At first, teenagers have cold feet because they lack confidence to go job hunting. They often find a friend who has a job and ask for advice. If they are lucky, their friend will help them get their foot in the door where he works.
1. have confidence in sth/sb 对......有信心,信赖......
Eg. She has confidence in her students' ability. 她相信她学生的能力。
Eg. I didn't have any confidence in myself at school. 我在学校对自己没有信心。
Eg. The players have confidence in their manager. 队员们信赖他们的教练。
2. with confidence 有信心地,有把握地,可定地
Eg. He answered the question with confidence. 他胸有成竹地回答了这个问题。
Eg. He couldn't say with confidence that he was able to walk again after this accident. 他不是很有把握在这个事故发生后还能行走。
1. be in one's confident 受到某人的信任,是某人的心腹
Eg.He is said to be very much in the President's confidence. 据说他是总统的心腹。
2. take sb into your confidence 向某人吐露秘密或隐私
Eg. She took me into her confidence and told me the problems that she was facing. 她把我当做知己,把她面临的困难想我倾诉。
be confident of sth 对....有信心
Eg. The team was confident of winning. 这个对觉得取胜很有把握。
Eg. I am confident of your getting a job. 我肯定你一定会好到工作。