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听名著:《傲慢与偏见》第123期"达西的来信 "

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  • Chapter 35
  • [00:08:01]Elizabeth awoke the next morning to the same thoughts and meditations which had at length closed her eyes.
  • She could not yet recover from the surprise of what had happened; it was impossible to think of anything else;
  • 她仍然对那桩事感到诧异,无法想到别的事情上去;
  • and, totally indisposed for employment, she resolved, soon after breakfast, to indulge herself in air and exercise.
  • 她根本无心做事,于是决定一吃过早饭就出去好好地透透空气,散散步。
  • She was proceeding directly to her favourite walk, when the recollection of Mr. Darcy's sometimes coming there stopped her, and instead of entering the park, she turned up the lane, which led farther from the turnpike-road.
  • 她正想往那条心爱的走道上走走去,忽然想到达西先生有时候也上那儿来,于是便住了步。她没有进花园,却走上那条小路,以便和那条有栅门的大路隔得远些。
  • The park paling was still the boundary on one side, and she soon passed one of the gates into the ground.
  • 她仍旧沿着花园的围栅走,不久便走过了一道园门。
  • After walking two or three times along that part of the lane, she was tempted, by the pleasantness of the morning, to stop at the gates and look into the park.
  • 她沿着这一段小路来回走了两三遍,禁不住被那清晨的美景吸引得在园门前停住了,朝园里望望。
  • The five weeks which she had now passed in Kent had made a great difference in the country, and every day was adding to the verdure of the early trees.
  • 她到肯特五个星期以来,乡村里已经有了很大的变化,早青的树一天比一天绿了。
  • She was on the point of continuing her walk, when she caught a glimpse of a gentleman within the sort of grove which edged the park; he was moving that way; and, fearful of its being Mr. Darcy, she was directly retreating.
  • 她正要继续走下去,忽然看到花园旁的小林子里有一个男人正朝这儿走来;她怕是达西先生,便立刻往回走。
  • But the person who advanced was now near enough to see her, and stepping forward with eagerness, pronounced her name.
  • 但是那人已经走得很近,可以看得见她了;只见那人急急忙忙往前跑,一面还叫着她的名字。
  • She had turned away; but on hearing herself called, though in a voice which proved it to be Mr. Darcy, she moved again towards the gate.
  • 她本来已经掉过头来走开,一听到有人叫她的名字,虽然明知是达西先生,也只得走回到园门边来。
  • He had by that time reached it also, and, holding out a letter, which she instinctively took, said, with a look of haughty composure, "I have been walking in the grove some time in the hope of meeting you.
  • 达西这时候也已经来到园门口,拿出一封信递给她,她不由自主地收下了。他带着一脸傲慢而从容的神气说道:“我已经在林子里踱了好一会儿,希望碰到你,
  • Will you do me the honour of reading that letter?"
  • 请你赏个脸,看看这封信,好不好?”
  • And then, with a slight bow, turned again into the plantation, and was soon out of sight.
  • 于是他微微鞠了一躬,重新踅进草木丛中,立刻就不见了。
  • With no expectation of pleasure, but with the strongest curiosity, Elizabeth opened the letter, and, to her still increasing wonder, perceived an envelope containing two sheets of letter-paper, written quite through, in a very close hand.
  • 伊丽莎白拆开那封信;这是为了好奇,并不是希望从中获得什么愉快。使她更惊奇的是,信封里装着两张信纸,以细致的笔迹写得密密麻麻。
  • The envelope itself was likewise full.
  • 信封上也写满了字。
  • Pursuing her way along the lane, she then began it.
  • 她一面沿着小路走,一面开始读信。
  • It was dated from Rosings, at eight o'clock in the morning, and was as follows:
  • 信是早上八点钟在罗新斯写的,内容如下:
  • "Be not alarmed, madam, on receiving this letter, by the apprehension of its containing any repetition of those sentiments or renewal of those offers which were last night so disgusting to you.
  • 小姐:接到这封信时,请你不必害怕。既然昨天晚上向你诉情和求婚,结果只有使你极其厌恶,我自然不会又在这封信里旧事重提。
  • I write without any intention of paining you, or humbling myself, by dwelling on wishes which, for the happiness of both, cannot be too soon forgotten;
  • 我曾经衷心地希望我们双方会幸福,可是我不想在这封信里再提到这些,免得使你痛苦,使我自己受委屈。
  • and the effort which the formation and the perusal of this letter must occasion, should have been spared, had not my character required it to be written and read.
  • 我所以要写这封信,写了又要劳你的神去读,这无非是拗不过自己的性格,否则便可以双方省事,免得我写你读。
  • You must, therefore, pardon the freedom with which I demand your attention; your feelings, I know, will bestow it unwillingly, but I demand it of your justice.
  • 因此你得原谅我那么冒昧地亵渎你的清神,我知道你决不会愿意劳神的,可是我要求你心平气和一些。


伊丽莎白拆开那封信;这是为了好奇,并不是希望从中获得什么愉快。使她更惊奇的是,信封里装着两张信纸,以细致的笔迹写得密密麻麻。Elizabeth awoke the next morning to the same thoughts andmeditationswhich had at length closed her eyes. She could not yet recover from the surprise of what had happened; it was impossible to think of anything else; and, totally indisposed for employment, she resolved, soon after breakfast, to indulge herself in air and exercise. She was proceeding directly to her favourite walk, when the recollection of Mr. Darcy's sometimes coming there stopped her, and instead of entering the park, she turned up the lane, which led farther from the turnpike-road. The park paling was still the boundary on one side, and she soon passed one of the gates into the ground.


After walking two or three times along that part of the lane, she was tempted, by the pleasantness of the morning, to stop at the gates and look into the park. The five weeks which she had now passed in Kent had made a great difference in the country, and every day was adding to the verdure of the early trees. She was on the point of continuing her walk, when she caught a glimpse of a gentleman within the sort of grove which edged the park; he was moving that way; and, fearful of its being Mr. Darcy, she was directly retreating. But the person who advanced was now near enough to see her, and stepping forward with eagerness, pronounced her name. She had turned away; but on hearing herself called, though in a voice which proved it to be Mr. Darcy, she moved again towards the gate. He had by that time reached it also, and, holding out a letter, which sheinstinctivelytook, said, with a look of haughty composure, "I have been walking in the grove some time in the hope of meeting you. Will you do me the honour of reading that letter?" And then, with a slight bow, turned again into the plantation, and was soon out of sight.


With no expectation of pleasure, but with the strongestcuriosity, Elizabeth opened the letter, and, to her still increasing wonder, perceived an envelope containing two sheets of letter-paper, written quite through, in a very close hand. The envelope itself was likewise full. Pursuing her way along the lane, she then began it. It was dated from Rosings, at eight o'clock in the morning, and was as follows:


"Be not alarmed, madam, on receiving this letter, by the apprehension of its containing any repetition of those sentiments or renewal of those offers which were last night so disgusting to you. I write without any intention of paining you, or humbling myself, by dwelling on wishes which, for the happiness of both, cannot be too soon forgotten; and the effort which the formation and the perusal of this letter must occasion, should have been spared, had not my character required it to be written and read. You must, therefore, pardon the freedom with which I demand your attention; your feelings, I know, will bestow it unwillingly, but I demand it of your justice.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
haughty ['hɔ:ti]


adj. 傲慢的



adv. 不情愿地;勉强地

repetition [.repi'tiʃən]


n. 重复,反复

intention [in'tenʃən]


n. 意图,意向,目的

composure [kəm'pəuʒə]


n. 镇静,沉著

expectation [.ekspek'teiʃən]


n. 期待,期望

bow [bau]


n. 弓
n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

pronounced [prə'naunst]


adj. 显著的,断然的,明确的 pronounce的过

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使





