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来源:可可英语 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


小宝宝是Justin Bieber的超级fans,一听到他的歌,就泣不成声。这个视频在国外视频网站上引起了不小的轰动,小宝宝也最终成功见到了Justin Bieber本人,还当场要求做人家的老婆,^^


-Cody's very sad today.Cody, why are you so sad honey?


-Because why?

-Because I love Justin Bieber.

-I can't hear you.

-Because I love Justin Bieber.

-You are crying because you love Justin Bieber?

-Yes, that's why I ran in my room.

-You ran in your room and cry because you love him?


-Does that make you sad?


-Why does...

-See Justin Bieber all day

-Cause you don't get to see him all day?


-Why do you love Justin Bieber?

-Because I know he loves me back

-Because you know he loves you back?




-We don't have to dry because we love Justin Bieber.

-Yeah, we do, sometimes

-Well, waht makes you cry?

-Justin Bieber always makes me (cry) with his songs

-He always makes you cry with his songs?


-Well, why do they make you cry?

-Because I just love Justin Bieber.

-Honey, you do know you're just 3 years old,right?

-Yes, mummy, I do.

-When you are 3, you are not supposed to cry over boys.

-Yes, I know, but....I love Justin Bieber

-Well, what do you want Justin Bieber to do?

-i want Justin...that's all. I want him to be one of my family.

-You want him to be one of your family?


-Baby girl.

-Honey, you are 3, you should not be crying over boys.

-Mummy, I don't love boys. They always make me cry.

-Honey, have you ever seen Cheyenne cry over Justin Bieber?

-Sometimes they do.



-Ok, honey, we should stop crying. Do you wannna go listen to some of his songs, that will make you fell better?

-No, that will make me cry again.
-Hey ,cody. Ok, don't torture her, you guys stop.

-Ok, cody...Cody.Listen.Stop crying for a second, listen. Stop, listen. If you cry like this when you listen to Justin Bieber songs,mommy is not gonna let you listen to Justin Bieber songs no more.

-i don't want to.

-You don't want to? It makes you too sad?


-Ok. I'm gonna turn the video off now.


-You don't want me to?You want me to keep recording you?


-Well, all you're doing is just crying about Justin bieber.

-No, I don't want...I want..I...I bet that's Justin Bieber.Cheyenne, get that to me.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词






