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趣味英语听力短剧第13期: Tim spills the beans

来源:可可英语 编辑:jessica   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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1. Alice is a nurse.
a. She looks after patients. Correct - you can use the present simple to talk about daily routines.
b. She look after patients. Wrong – the present simple needs an "s" with "she"
c. She looking after patients. Wrong – "looking" is wrong.
d. She is looks after patients. Wrong – you don't need the word "is".

2. They've bought their tickets and booked the hotel. Next month
a. their flying to Paris. Wrong - "their" is wrong.
b. they flies to Paris. Wrong – "flies" is wrong.
c. they flying to Paris. Wrong, you need part of the verb "to be" with the present continuous.
d. they're flying to Paris. Correct – you can use the present continuous to talk about future plans.

3. "What are they doing?" Which is the best answer to that question?
a. It looks like they have a fight. – Wrong - you need to use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening now.
b. It looks like they're having a fight. Correct – you use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening now.
c It's looking like they're having a fight.
d It looks like they fighting. Wrong – you need part of the verb "to be" with the present continuous.

4. What question do you ask when you want to know about someone's plans for the weekend?
a. What you doing at the weekend? Wrong – a word is missing.
b. What do you do at the weekend? Wrong – you need part of the verb "to be" with the present continuous.
c. What are you doing at the weekend? Correct – you can use the present continuous to talk about future plans.
d. What you are doing at the weekend? Wrong – the words are in the wrong order.

5. She's a vegetarian.
a. She isn't eating meat. Wrong – we don't use the present continuous to describe a state (she is a vegetarian).
b. She don't eat meat. Wrong – you need another form of the verb "to do" with "she".
c. She doesn't eat meat. – Correct - we can use the present simple to describe a state (she is a vegetarian).
d. She doesn't eating meat. Wrong.

6. Water __________ at 100 degrees Celsius.
a. boils - Correct - we can use the present simple to talk about facts.
b. is boiling - Wrong - we don't use the present continuous to talk about facts.
c. boiling – Wrong – the form this wrong.
d. boil – Wrong - the form is wrong.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

continuous [kən'tinjuəs]


adj. 连续的,继续的,连绵不断的

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事







