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背诵为王第三册 Unit34:Too Tired To Have a Holiday

编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 34 Too Tired To Have a Holiday.
  • 34累得不想度假
  • Mary Williams lived alone and had a very important job in a company.
  • 玛丽.威廉姆斯一个人生活,在一家公司任重要职务。
  • She worked very hard.
  • 她工作很努力,
  • She often worked late.
  • 经常工作到很晚,
  • And she even worked on weekends.
  • 甚至周末也工作。
  • Jill Thomas was Mary's best friend, but Jill was married, and she did not want to work all the time.
  • 吉尔.托玛斯是玛丽最好的朋友,但吉尔结婚了,而且她不愿始终处于工作状态。
  • " I'm quite happy at home with Len when we are not working, ' she always said.
  • “利恩和我不上班的时候,我很乐意和他呆在家。”她总说,
  • " I want to enjoy my life. ' Jill and Len both enjoyed hiking and dancing very much.
  • “我要享受人生。”吉尔和利恩都非常喜欢徒步旅行和跳舞。
  • Nearly every weekend they went hiking and dancing.
  • 几乎每个周末他们都去徒步旅行和跳舞。
  • Then they would go and dance through the evening.
  • 另外他们晚上也跳舞。
  • When they had their holidays, they would climb mountains, swim and sail on lakes and dance nearly all the time.
  • 度假时,他们几乎一直在爬山、游泳、在湖上驾驶帆船和跳舞。
  • Once Jill said to Mary," Would you like to have a holiday with us this year,Mary?"
  • 吉尔有次对玛丽说:“今年愿意和我们度假吗,玛丽?”
  • Mary was very happy, so Jill and Mary and Len had two weeks together.
  • 玛丽很乐意,因此吉尔和玛丽,还有利恩一起度了两周假。
  • Mary enjoyed her holiday, but she was very tired after they had climbed all the mountains,
  • 玛丽假期玩的很开心,但她感到非常疲倦,在他们爬完所有要爬的山、
  • swam and danced every day and every night.
  • 整天游泳和跳舞之后,
  • The next summer, Jill offered to take Mary on their holiday again." Thank you very much,"answered Mary,"
  • 第二年夏天,吉尔再次邀请玛丽和他们一起度假。“非常感谢,”玛丽回答,
  • but I'm going to be quite honest with you: I'm sorry that I can't come,
  • “但我想坦率的告诉你:很抱歉我不能去,
  • because I've worked a lot this year and I'm tired. I don't need a holiday: I need to rest!"
  • 因为今年我做了很多工作,很累。我不需要假期,只需要休息!”






Lesson34 Too Tired To Have a Holiday

Mary Williams 1 and had a very important job in a company. She worked very hard. She often worked late. And she even worked on weekends.

Jill Thomas was Mary's best friend, but Jill was married, and she did not want to work 2 . "I'm quite happy at home with Len when we are not working,'she always said. "I want to enjoy my life.'

Jill and Len both enjoyed hiking and dancing very much. Nearly every weekend they went 3 . Then they would go and dance through the evening. When they had their holidays, they would climb mountains, swim and sail on lakes and dance nearly all the time.

Once Jill said to Mary, "Would you like to have a holiday with us this year, Mary?" Mary was very happy, so Jill and Mary and Len had two weeks together. Mary enjoyed her holiday, but she was very tired after they had climbed all the mountains, swam and danced every day and every night.

The next summer, Jill 4 take Mary on their holiday again.

"Thank you very much," answered Mary, "but I'm going to be 5 with you: I'm sorry that I can't come, because I've worked a lot this year and I'm tired. I don't need a holiday: I need to rest!"





