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CRI实用英语课堂 Unit 59:Latin Culture 拉丁文化体验

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Part 1 National Hispanic Heritage Month 全国拉丁文化月

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Javier: Welcome to L.A.! It's nice to finally meet you in person!
Linda: Thanks! It's great to be here, but wow, I didn't expect to see so many Mexicans.
Javier: You thought I was the only one? Well, they're not all Mexicans. And actually, one in every four people in California is Hispanic.
Linda: What's that? It looks like a parade!
Javier: You just happened to be here for the kick-off of National Hispanic Heritage Month - September fifteenth.
Linda: Wow! Look at all those colors!
Javier: And the festivities also mark the independence days of many Hispanic countries.
Linda: Which ones?
Javier: Well, today - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and, and Nicaragua.
Linda: And Mexico is when?
Javier: On the sixteenth.
Linda: Cool. My timing is just right!


1. 对话中,Linda来到洛杉矶见网友Javier。L.A.就是Los Angeles洛杉矶的缩写。Javier在西班牙语中是一个男性的名字。Javier说真高兴终于见到Linda本人了。in person 表示“亲身,亲自;本人”,比如说,You can apply for tickets in person or by letter. 需要票的人可以亲自来申请或者来信索取。

2. Linda来到这里也非常高兴,但是她没有想到会看见这么多墨西哥人。Javier解释说,其实他们并不都是墨西哥人,事实上,在加州每四个人就有一个人是拉丁裔。Hispanic就是“拉丁美洲的,拉丁美洲裔的,拉丁美洲人的”。

3. 那么什么是Hispanic American 或者Latino American呢?Hispanic American 或者Latino American是指居住在美国,但本身或者祖先是出生在Spanish-speaking“西班牙语系”国家的美国人。但是在某些分类中,也将说葡萄牙语Portuguese的“巴西裔”Brazilian归入。他们的文化、音乐、食物,甚至是独特腔调和轻快的说话速度,如今已经深入影响到美国许多的城市。

4. Hispanics/Latinos“拉丁美洲裔”在美国的人数越来越多,目前已占全美人口的6.5%,在某些州数目甚至比白人还多。Linda突然发现大街上正有人举行游行,就问Javier这是怎么回事,原来Linda正好赶上了全国拉丁文化月的开幕仪式。You just happened to be here for the kick-off of National Hispanic Heritage Month kick-off是一个口语词汇,表示“开始”。

5. Javier解释说这些庆祝活动也纪念许多拉丁美洲国家独立的日子。1810年9月16日,墨西哥脱离西班牙的统治,独立建国;长期受西班牙殖民统治的国家,也在第二年相继宣布独立。这些曾受西班牙统治的国家的后裔移民美国后,仍会在这些纪念日举行庆祝活动,由于这些拉丁美洲裔人口逐渐增加,因此美国政府宣布每年的9月15日开始为期一周的时间是“拉丁裔文化周”Hispanic Heritage Week。后来由于拉丁美洲裔人口的快速增长,逐渐成为美国社会中一股不可忽视的力量,在拉丁美洲裔人和文化人士的努力下,1989年,由美国国会通过将庆祝活动扩大并延长为一个月,每年9月15日到10月14日为“全国拉丁裔文化月”。在整个文化月期间,美国各地会举办有关拉丁裔文化的美食、音乐以及游行活动,旨在推广拉美文化,并庆祝拉丁美洲国家的国庆。

6. Linda觉得自己很幸运,来得正是时候。timing表示“时机,时间的安排”。比如说,I'm sorry for the timing - you didn't have any time to go shopping. 很抱歉时间安排的这么紧,你都没有时间去买东西。

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2

Javier: You got it. So you'll see parades like this one and lots of food and folk dancing.
Linda: It's strange because when I think of Americans, I think of white people.
Javier: Yeah. Caucasians are the majority in America, but Latinos will soon make up the biggest minority. Our numbers are growing.
Linda: What's the difference between a Latino and a Hispanic? I've heard you use the both terms.
Javier: The word Hispanic means anything coming from Spain. Younger, more assimilated people seem to like it better.
Linda: And Latino is used by the older people?
Javier: Yeah, but both are OK here in L.A. I just say I'm a Chicano, for example, because my parents are from Mexico.
Linda: It all seems so complicated. Oh, no offence!
Javier: Don't worry. There's one thing we Hispanics all have in common: amistad!
Linda: Does that mean family?
Javier: Well, family is top on our list, but amistad means friendship. We're all friendly and easy-going.
Linda: Yeah! Everybody seems so happy and passionate.
Javier: They say Hispanics live long because they have strong family values, life-long friendships and they enjoy life!
Linda: Cool! Yeah, everyone walking around seems to be with big families.


1. Linda真的是很幸运,这个时候她可以看到庆祝游行,还有很多美食和民族舞蹈。folk dancing 就表示“民族舞蹈”。Linda感觉怪怪的,因为每当她想到美国人的时候,她就会想到白人。

2. 虽然Caucasians高加索人,也就是白种人在美国占大多数,但是拉丁美洲人很快就会成为人口数量最多的少数民族,他们的人数一直在增加。Linda问Javier Latino 和Hispanic有什么不同,因为她听Javier用了这两个名称。

3. Javier给Linda解释说,Hispanic这个词是指任何从西班牙来的东西。年轻,已经被同化的人比较喜欢用这个词。而年纪比较大的人才会用Latino,但是这两个词在洛杉矶都适用。

4. Hispanic和Latino在使用上的区别,除了Javier的解释之外,在正式场合上和官方说法都会使用Hispanic这个词,这是在“政治上”比较“正确”的用法,politically correct。而一般民间才会出现使用Latino来称呼拉丁美洲裔的情况。

5. Javier给Linda举了个例子,Javier称自己为Chicano,就是指“墨裔美国人,墨裔美国人的”,因为Javier的父母都是来自墨西哥的。Linda觉得这一切都好复杂,不过话一出口,就觉得Javier可能会很生气,所以她赶快说,No offence,这不是在冒犯谁。

6. Javier安慰她,不用担心,因为拉丁裔人有一个共同点,就是amistad,在西班牙语里是“友善”的意思。但是Linda没有明白,问Javier amistad是不是“家庭”的意思。Javier说家庭确实是他们最重视的观念,不过amistad是友谊的意思,因为他们都很友善、随和。top on one's list 就是指“…是某人最重要的事”。

7. Linda觉得的确是这样,大家似乎都很快乐又热情,大家说拉丁裔人比较长寿,因为他们有浓厚的家庭观念,终生的友谊而且会享受生活!周围的人看起来就像是个大家庭。

Part 2 Hispanic Merengue and Food 拉丁热舞和美食

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Beto: Hola, chica! Que pasa?
Linda: Hey...amigo...
Beto: Cool! You speak, Spanish!
Linda: Only one or two words. Are you a Chicano, too?
Beto: Nope. I'm like J.Lo and Ricky Martin. Puerto Rican blood.
Linda: No wonder you're so handsome.
Beto: Thanks. You're not so bad yourself, Chinita. Wanna dance?
(after dancing)
Javier: You guys did great out there!
Linda: I just followed his lead. But what was that?
Javier: That was merengue. It's originally from the Caribbean but it's popular all over.
Linda: It's a workout. No wonder Hispanics have such great bodies!
Javier: Well, not always. Our food can be pretty heavy depending on what you eat.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

authentic [ɔ:'θentik]


adj. 可信(靠)的,真实的,真正的

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

passionate ['pæʃənit]


adj. 热情的,易怒的,激情的

romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

script [skript]


n. 手稿,脚本,手迹
vt. 为...

minority [mai'nɔ:riti]


n. 少数,少数民族,未成年

swing [swiŋ]


n. 摇摆,改变,冲力
v. 摇摆,旋转,动摇

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的





