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CRI实用英语课堂 Unit 20:American Movies II 美国电影 2

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Part 4 Movie Buffs 电影迷

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Ann: What's your favorite movie of all time?
Peter: That's a good question! I don't know. Maybe "Forrest Gump"?
Ann: Why "Forrest Gump"?
Peter: Because I like Tom Hanks, and I thought it had a lot of clever tie-ins. It was like a photo album of the country during the last 30 years.
Ann: That was a good show. Okay. Here's a little bit of movie trivia for you: what movie is the top-grossing film of all time? Peter: Oh, that's easy. " Jurassic Park". It's the only film that has grossed over a billion dollars in history.
Ann: That's true. But when a film's gross is adjusted for inflation, the highest-grossing film is "Gone With the Wind". Okay, which director has 7 of the top 40 highest-grossing films of all time?
Peter: A piece of cake. Steven Spielberg. Give me something challenging!
Ann: All right. What was Dustin Hoffman's debut movie?
Peter: The Graduate.
Ann: What year did it come out?
Peter: Oh, I don't know. 1970?
Ann: Wrong, 1968.
Peter: Okay, give me another question, then.
Ann: Which actress has the most nominations for the academy awards?
Peter: I have no idea.
Ann: Katherine Hepburn. She was nominated 12 times and won 3 times.
Peter: Okay, that's enough. My turn. First of all, what's your favorite scary movie?
Ann: Eh, it's gotta be "Psycho". I love that shower scene.
Peter: All right. What was the most popular Robert Redford and Paul Newman film?
Ann: "The Sting".
Peter: You're pretty good. Try this one. Which year was the first in-flight movie?
Ann: 1955?
Peter: Wrong. 1926. The movie "The Lost World" was shown on Imperial Airways from London to Paris on April 16, 1926.
Ann: The first in-light movie was 70 years ago? That blows me away. I guess I'm not such a great movie after all.


1. 对话中,Ann和 Peter在互相提问,看看谁才是真正的电影迷。电影迷就是movie buff,buff表示“狂热爱好者”。

2. Ann的第一个问题是,What's your favorite movie of all time? 有史以来你最喜欢哪部电影?of all time,表示“古往今来”,也可以说成of all ages.

3. Peter回答I don't know. Maybe "Forrest Gump ",我不知道,也许是《阿甘正传》。这部电影大家熟悉得不能再熟悉了,是由Tom Hanks主演的,他凭此片获得了1995年奥斯卡最佳男演员奖,之前他凭借影片Philadelphia《费城故事》获得了1994年奥斯卡最佳男演员奖。

4. 为什么会是 Forrest Gump 呢?不仅是因为Peter是Tom Hanks的影迷,还因为在影片中有很多巧妙地相互关联的场景,也就是a lot of clever tie-ins,tie-ins表示“相互关联的事物”。整部影片就像是一本关于过去30年美国社会变迁的相册。

5. Ann也同意《阿甘正传》是一部好电影。That was a good show. show这个词呢可以表示“表演,演出,作表演或进行展览”。那么be on show就是某场演出或电影正在上演。接着Ann又问了第二个问题,movie trivia,这里是指一些关于电影的琐碎的知识,也就是电影知识点滴。

6. Ann问what movie is the top-grossing film of all time? 有史以来票房收入最高的电影是哪一部?gross表示“总额,毛利”,就是没有扣除成本之前的总利润,我们平常说的GDP,gross domestic product 就是指“国内生产总值”。另外,gross做形容词还可以表示“粗俗的,令人作呕的”,例如:Those noodles look gross. 那些面条看起来真让人恶心。

7. Peter回答说是《侏罗纪公园》,是历史上唯一一部票房总收入达到10亿美元的电影。但是如果考虑通货膨胀,货币贬值的因素,票房收入最高的电影应该是 “Gone With the Wind”,也就是《乱世佳人》。when a film's gross is adjusted for inflation,就是考虑通货膨胀的因素。

8. Ann的第三个问题是which director has 7 of the top 40 highest-grossing films of all time? 谁是有史以来票房收入最高的40部电影中7部电影的导演?就是Steven Spielberg,他也是人尽皆知的大导演。

9.Peter觉得这些问题还不过瘾,想再来点有挑战性的,Ann就又给他出了一个问题,What was Dustin Hoffman's debut movie? Dustin Hoffman的第一部电影是什么?debut表示“首演,首次露面”,这个词的读音比较特殊。

10. Dustin Hoffman的第一部电影是The Graduate,《毕业生》,是在1968年拍摄的。Ann的下一个问题是Which actress has the most nominations for the academy awards? 哪个女演员获得的奥斯卡奖提名最多?答案是Katherine Hepburn, 她获得12次提名,并获得3次奥斯卡奖。

11. 现在轮到Peter来提问了。他问Ann的第一个问题是what's your favorite scary movie?你最喜欢的恐怖电影是哪一部?scary movie,恐怖片,也可以说成thriller. Ann 回答说是“Psycho”中文翻译是《精神病患者》。

12. Peter的下一个问题是What was the most popular Robert Redford and Paul Newman film? Robert Redford 和 Paul Newman最有名的电影是哪一部?是“The Sting”,中文翻译是《刺》。感兴趣的朋友可以找来电影看一看。

13. 看来Ann知道的还真不少,Peter又给她出了一个难题,Which year was the first in-flight movie? 第一部空中电影是在哪一年出现的?这下还真的把Ann难住了,答案是在1926年的时候一部叫做《失去的世界》的电影在伦敦飞往巴黎的“皇家飞机”上首次放映。

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2

Clerk: Welcome to BSC Cinema. Would you like to purchase a movie ticket?
Brian: Umm...I want to know when "Touch of Madness" is showing.
Clerk: There are 5 showings today, one at noon, and then 2pm, 5pm, 8pm, and 11pm. On the weekend, besides these 5 showings, there is another showing starting at midnight.
Brian: I'm sorry, could you tell me the show times for today again?
Clerk: There are 5 showings today, one at noon, and then 2pm, 5pm, 8pm, and 11pm.
Brian: OK, I want 6 tickets for the 11 pm showing tonight. Are there still 6 tickets available that are seated together?
Clerk: I'm sorry, there are only 3 tickets left. How about the 8 pm showing? There are still 10 tickets left for that show.
Brian: But I have a friend who doesn't get off work till 8 pm, so he won't make the beginning of the movie.
Clerk: Well, I think it should be OK if he misses the first ten minutes.
Brian: He works about an hour's drive from here, so he'll never be able to make it in time.
Clerk: So would you like to see another movie?
Brian: No, we all want to see this one. Is there any way that we could buy tickets now for tomorrow's screenings?
Clerk: Yes, you can order tickets right now for tomorrow. What time would you like for tomorrow?
Brian: Tomorrow is Friday, so I think there might be more people who want to see the movie. How many tickets can I buy at one time?
Clerk: The limit for advanced tickets is ten.
Brian: OK, I'll have 10 tickets for the midnight showing of "Touch of Madness" tomorrow. By the way, when can I pick up the tickets?
Clerk: You can have them right now if you pay for them.
Brian: Oh, that's right. Here's the money.
Clerk: Here are your tickets. Enjoy the show tomorrow.

Famous Movie Companies in the U.S.A. 美国著名电影公司

环球影片公司(Universal Picture Co.)

The Universal name is synonymous with some of the greatest filmed entertainment ever made. Its heritage spans more than 90 years of filmmaking history, coinciding with the earliest days of Hollywood. Today, Universal is recognized as a multi-faceted entertainment company and industry leader.

In April 2002, Universal Studios and USA Networks, Inc. combined strengths to create Vivendi UNIVERSAL Entertainment (VUE), the U.S.-based film, television and recreation entity of Vivendi Universal, a global media and communications company. In addition to its premier film and television operations, VUE also includes world-renowned theme parks; a major production studio; a vast library of films and television titles; and a global distribution operation that extends to all existing and emerging platforms, including branded television channels, the Internet, DVD and video-on-demand.

President and Chief Operating Officer Ron Meyer is leading an aggressive, long-term strategy to maximize the value of Universal's motion picture and television properties by creating franchises with long term branding opportunities across all of Universal's businesses. He heads a strong management team comprised of the industry's top executives, who attract and nurture the creative community's best talent.

For more than 90 years, Universal Studios has been bringing unique entertainment experiences to millions of people around the world. We do this through our motion pictures and home videos, theme parks and attractions, television networks and programming, and much more. We are in the business of thrills and chills as well as tears and laughter -- of inspiring wonder and ultimately transforming moments into lasting memories.

Universal Studios has broadened its reach as one of the leading entertainment companies in the world. The Universal global brand has come to stand for the finest in exciting, exhilarating entertainment.


莱默尔于1914年在好莱坞北面建起了摄影棚和供拍外景用的场地,命名为环球城。1915年3月环球城正式启用;当年生产影片250部。30-40年代生产了大量低成本影片,其中大多是西部片、音乐片、恐怖片和滑稽片。如B.卡洛夫主演的恐怖片,D.窦萍主演的音乐片,B.阿博和L.卡斯特洛主演的滑稽片,都有很高的票房价值,赢利颇丰。在它的产品中,象《西线无战事》(1930)那样的严肃作品极少。1946年环球公司和国际影片公司合并为环球国际公司。1952年德卡唱片公司购得了环球国际公司的大部分股票之后,恢复了旧名。以后该公司又归美国音乐公司(MGA)所有,直到80年代。50年代一改过去大量摄制低成本片的做法,采取少拍片以提高技术质量的方针。同时采用资助独立制片人拍摄影片的方法,其中不乏成功之作,如《斯巴达克斯》(1960)。60年代,公司集中全力提供电视片和供电视放映的影片。同时还把环球城作为好莱坞的一个旅游中心向旅游者开放而利润倍增。70 年代摄制了颇有影响的《美国风情画》(1973)以及该公司历史上获利最多的娱乐影片《大白鲨》(1975)。

派拉蒙影业公司 (Paramount Pictures, Inc.)

Paramount's lineage dates back to 1912 when Adolph Zukor, the owner of a New York nickelodeon, secured American distribution rights to Sarah Bernhart's four-reel film, Queen Elizabeth. The film's triumphant opening on July 12, 1912 as the first full-length drama shown in the United States prompted Zukor to found the Famous Players Film Company. Famous Players began to produce movies in New York, beginning with The Prisoner of Zenda and The Count of Monte Cristo. A year later Zukor invested in a film distribution company named Paramount Pictures.

June 28, 1916 marked a turning point in Paramount's history. The Jesse L. Lasky Company, which was producing films in Hollywood, California, merged with Famous Players to form the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. The corporation consolidated its production and distribution divisions, and audiences began seeing "Paramount Pictures." Zukor and Lasky then constructed a vast new studio on Marathon Street in Hollywood, which the company has occupied since 1926.

Paramount's early artists included directors Cecil B. DeMille and William S. Hart, and stars Mary Pickford, Rudolf Valentino and Clara Bow. Wings, the studio's 1928 release, received the very first Academy Award? for Best Picture from the members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

A few of Paramount's memorable post-World War II films include The Ten Commandments, White Christmas, Shane, Psycho, Romeo and Juliet, True Grit, The Godfather films, Ordinary People, Reds, Terms of Endearment, Saturday Night Fever, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Beverly Hills Cop, Ghost, The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, the Star Trek movies, Indecent Proposal, Forrest Gump, Braveheart, Mission Impossible and Titanic. Many of these titles are available rom Paramount Home Entertainment. Please check our online catalog.

Gulf+Western Industries, Inc. acquired control of Paramount on March 24, 1966. The corporation turned its interest toward the new entertainment division, and on June 5, 1989, G+W was renamed Paramount Communications Inc. On March 11, 1994, Paramount merged with Viacom Inc, under the leadership of Sumner Redstone, chairman of the board and chief executive officer. Sherry Lansing is chairman, Paramount Motion Picture Group. Today, Paramount Pictures, together with Paramount Television, CBS Television, Simon & Schuster Publishing, MTV Networks, Showtime Networks, Infinity, BET, UPN, Paramount Parks and Blockbuster Entertainment comprise the entertainment leader, Viacom Inc.

Paramount Pictures is the only major motion picture studio located in Hollywood. It is an expansive, self-contained state-of-the-art production center and business community.

A.楚柯尔在1912年创立名演员公司,J.L.拉斯基于1913年建立杰西.拉斯基故事片公司。1916年上述两家制片公司合并成立名演员—拉斯基公司。次年,新公司兼并了12家制片公司;以后再把派拉蒙影片发行公司也并了过来,遂于1927年改名为派拉蒙—名演员—拉斯基公司。1930年又兼并了拥有多家影院的帕布利克斯公司,再改公司名为派拉蒙帕布利克斯,逐步发展成为好莱坞的大公司。1930年公司由于领导层的矛盾与经营不善被纽约联邦地区法院宣布破产,1935年重新组织成立了派拉蒙影业公司。新公司生产了一系列由 M.魏斯特、B.克罗斯贝、B.霍甫、D.拉摩、G.古柏和 C.考尔白等人主演的赚钱影片而再次兴起。当时公司的导演有J.von斯登堡,E.刘别谦和R.马莫里安等。公司在40年代发掘吸收了不少新人,如A.莱德、V.莱克、B.兰开斯特、K.道格拉斯等人。导演有B.怀尔德、P.斯特吉斯。公司在40年代最赚钱的影片是《与我同行》。50—60年代,派拉蒙和其他大公司一样受到美国影业萧条的打击,影片产量下降,收入减少。1966年石油资本集团购买了派拉蒙,使其成为海湾与西方石油公司的一家子公司。随着70年代美国电影业的复兴,派拉蒙摄制了《教父》(一、二集)、《油脂》、《周末狂欢》等票房价值很高的影片,公司逐年有盈余,并于1978年达到了创纪录的数字。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
inflation [in'fleiʃən]


n. 膨胀,通货膨胀

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

protracted [prə'træktid]


adj. 延长的,拖延的



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

fledgling ['fledʒliŋ]


n. 刚会飞的幼鸟,尚缺乏经验的人

symbols ['simbəls]


n. 符号;象征;标志;符号表(symbol的复数)

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的

abuse [ə'bju:s,ə'bju:z]


n. 滥用,恶习
vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待

refurbish [ri:'fə:biʃ]


vt. 再磨光,刷新,擦亮

voting ['vəutiŋ]


n. 投票 动词vote的现在分词形式


关键字: 畅游 日本




