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初级英语听力(新版) Lession23

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初级英语听力(新版) Lession23

Mr. Hanson: Could I have my bill, please?
Waitress: Yes, sir. One moment, please.
(She brings the bill and the customer looks at it carefully.)
Mr. Hanson: Could you kindly explain this to me? What is item 6?
Waitress: Perhaps I cou1d go through it for you. The first item is the cover charge. Number 2 is the beer. Then your starter, your main course and the vegetables. The main course was 4.50 not 3.50, so item 6 is the difference.
Mr. Hanson: Oh, I see. But how was I expected to know that?
Waitress: Yes, sir. They are a bit hard to follow sometimes. Number 8 is your dessert and number 9 the cigarettes. Oh, and number 7 is your second beer.
Mr. Hanson: And what about the service, is that included?
Waitress: Yes, that's marked down here, 10 per cent service.
Mr. Hanson: Good. Thank you. Now, can you take my credit card?
Waitress: I'm afraid we don't accept credit cards.
Mr. Hanson: Oh dear. What about a cheque with a banker's card?
Waitress: Yes, sir. That will be all right.

Customer: Can you bring me the bill, please?
Waiter: Certainly, sir.
(He brings the bill.)
Customer: I think there has been a mistake.
Waiter: I'm sorry, sir. What seems to be the trouble?
Customer: I think you have charged me twice for the same thing.
Look, the figure of 5.50 appears here and then again here.
Waiter: I'll just go and check it for you, sir.
(He returns a few minutes later.)
Waiter: Yes sir, you are quite right. The cashier made a mistake. I think you will find it correct now.
Customer: Thank you.
Waiter: We do apologize about this, sir.
Customer: That's all right. No harm done. Now, can I pay by traveler's cheques?
Waiter: Certainly, sir. We'll give you the change in local currency if that's all right.
Customer: You needn't worry about that. There won't be much change out of twenty-five dollars.
Waiter: Thank you, sir. That's most kind of you.

—Waiter, there's a fly in my soup.
—Shh, don't do too loud. Everyone will want one.

—Waiter, there's a fly in my soup.
—There is a spider on the bread. It'll catch it.

—What's this fly doing in my soup?
—I think it's doing the backstroke, sir.

—There is a dead fly swimming in my soup!
—That's impossible. A dead fly can't swim.

—There is a dead fly in my soup.
—Yes, sir. It's the hot liquid that kills them.

—Waiter, there is a fly in my soup.
—Yes, sir. We give extra meat rations on Fridays.

—Waiter, there is a fly in my soup.
—Don't worry, sir. There is no extra charge.

A strange thing happened to Henri yesterday. He was on a bus and wanted to get off. So he stood up and rang the bell. To make sure the driver heard him he rang it twice, but the bus didn't stop, and the conductor came and shouted at him.
The conductor was so annoyed, and spoke so fast, that Henri didn't understand a word. The bus stopped at the next bus stop and Henri got off. As he got off he heard someone say, "I think he's a foreigner."
When Henri got home, he told his landlady about the incident.
"How many times did you ring the bell?" she asked.
"Twice," said Henri.
"Well, that's the signal for the driver to go on," his landlady explained. "Only the conductor is allowed to ring the bell twice. That's why he got so annoyed."
Henri nodded. "I see," he said.

(A and B are a married couple. C is a travel agent.)
C: Good morning.
A and B: Good morning.
C: Can I help you?
A: Yes, we're thinking of going on holiday somewhere, but we're not sure where.
C: I see. What sort of holiday did you have in mind?
A: Lots of sunbathing.
B: (at the same time) Lots of walking.
C: Mm. (looking puzzled) So you'd like somewhere warm?
B: Not too warm.
A: Yes, as sunny as possible.
C: And are you interested in the night-life at all?
A: Yes. It'd be nice if there were some good discos and clubs we could go to.
B: Oh, no! Surely that's what we're trying to get away from!
A: What do you mean? We never go out at all, so how could we get away from it?
B: Well, what's the point of going somewhere where there are lots of people just like here?
C: (interrupting) Could I just ask what sort of price you want to pay?
B: As cheap as possible.
A: What do you mean? We want a top hotel.
B: But we can't afford it.
A: Of course, we can. We've been saving up all year.
(Their voices rise as they argue. The travel agent looks bemused.)
C: Just a minute, please. I think I can make a suggestion. Why don't you try the South of France? Then one of you can go to the beach and the other can walk in the mountains.
A: That sounds like a good idea. And there are some good hotels there.
B: No—there are too many English people there!
A: Well, then at least we'd have someone to talk to.
B: But, there's no point in going abroad to meet English people there!
C: (interrupting again) Excuse me.
A and B: Yes?
C: Well, my wife and I have the same trouble as you. I like hot, lively places and she prefers a bit of peace and quiet and we always disagree about how much to spend. We usually split up and go to different places, but this year I've got a better idea.
A and B: What's that?
C: Well, I could go on holiday with you (indicates one of them) and you could go with my wife.
A: That's an interesting idea.
B: I'm not so sure ...
C: Look, why don't you come round now and meet my wife and we can see what we can arrange ...

重点单词   查看全部解释    
creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的

luxury ['lʌkʃəri]


n. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

interrupt [.intə'rʌpt]


v. 打断,打扰,中止,中断
n. [计算机]

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

spider ['spaidə]


n. 蜘蛛

smuggler ['smʌglə]


n. 走私者

lively ['laivli]



border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的





