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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 55

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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 55

Is this your hotel? It looks terrible!
- Yes, its terrible. Id like to change my hotel, but I cant find enough time. Im too busy.
- Anyway, you go in first, quickly and very quietly and wait for me outside my room, ok? Ill get the key from the receptionist.
- But wont he see me?
- Dont worry. Hell be asleep. Hes always asleep. Just be careful you dont wake him up.
- Ok. Which is your room?
- Room 38! Ready? Lets go!
- Eroh? What…? Erwhere am I? Erwhos that?
- Good evening, can I have my key, please?
- Ah, good evening, Miss scer Schmidt!
- Can I have my key, please?
- Uhdid you see a young man here a moment ago?
- No no, Ive just come in. Look, Im tired, and I want to go to bed! Can I have my key now, please?
- I though I saw a young man, Im sorry. But I have to be careful, Miss Scer Scer..
- Look, are you going to give me my key, or do I have to take it?
- Oh, your key! You want your key, do you? I see. Im sorry. Miss sc
- Good night!
- Hello!
- Sssh!
- Phew! Here we are, then.
- The old man saw me, didnt he?
- Dont worry about it, Marco, its alright. Now lets see what there is to drink. Ah, yes, Ive got some Williams.
- Whats that?
- Its a drink made of beer.
- Cheers, Marco!
- Cheers. Kristi! Ough! Its strong, isnt it?
- Well, lets sit down.
- There is only one chair, so I have to sit on the bed.
- Crazy, really.
- My God, what a terrible noise!
- Yes, its a very old bed!
- Whats going on next door?
- I dont know. Doris, try to get to sleep.
- How can I get to sleep with that noise? Whats going on in there, Oscar?
- Theyre having a party, or something! This is terrible!
- Im going to take a look!
- No, Doris, come back. Oh, hell!
- What do you think youre doing, young lady? Oscar, come here! Come here, immediately!
- Look, Oscar, shes brought a young man to her room! Now what kind of hotel is this? How can you bring me to a place like this? I want to stay in a family hotel!
- Perhaps theyre married, Doris! Look, cant we go back to our room?
- Im going to complain.
- Look, Im sorry about this. My wife doesnt sleep very well, you see.
- Thats alright but would you close the door, please?
- What are we going to do?
- Then, we cant stay here, can we? Why dont w go to your place?
- Its only a room in a student hostel. Anyway, are you sure you want to?
- Yes, why not? Im not tired any more.
- There they are!
- Oh, dear! Are you alright, Miss
- Yes, Im quite alright, thanks.
- What do you mean? Is she alright? What about me?
- Ah, there he is! I was right; I did see a young man!
- Do you remember Miss Sc..? I told you there was a young man around.
- Its alright; hes a friend of mine.
- A friend of hers! Huh! Thats too much! Were leaving here tomorrow! This isnt my kind of hotel Oscar.
- Perhaps, theres a misunderstanding, Doris.
- No, I understand whats happening very well. Oscar!
- Come on! Well go back to our room now.
- Goodnight, everybody!
- Goodnight, Miss Sc
- Lets go to your hostel then, Marco.






重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

misunderstanding ['misʌndə'stændiŋ]


n. 误会,误解

complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉





