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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 58

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b华尔街基础英语 Lesson 58

Most people do their shopping in a supermarket, but for fresh fruit and vegetables, many shoppers prefer an outdoor market.
It’s summer, and the stores are full of soft fruit, like strawberries, peaches and black currents as well as the annual favorite apples, pears and oranges. Seasonal vegetables including potatoes, peas, onions and cabbages. I’m going to talk to some shoppers and some of the traders and find out that they are selling and buying here today.
- So how much is your banana?
- 35 pence a pound.
- Oh, they look nice, so I’ll have a pound.
- Help yourself, anyone you like.
- Are these pears ripe?
- Not quite.
- So how long would I have to keep them before they are good to eat?
- Three or four days.
- I’ll take a pound.
- Right.
- David, can you tell me how long have you worked in the market here?
- Twenty, about twenty-two years.
- So you know you job by now.
- Not, I’m still learning it all the time, the same as it?
- Excuse me, I see that you’re buying some mangos.
- Yes.
- Have you ever tried them before?
- Yes, many times.
- But they are not usual fruit to see on sale in England.
- No, well, we got used to eating them when we lived in Africa, and there is all rather nice actually, so I shall buy one.
- Are they very expensive?
- Compare to Africa, yes. But do you think they are good buy, though?
- At this price, yes, 80 pence each is not too bad considering them much more expensive elsewhere.
- What are the things you’re buying today?
- Some peaches, cherries and apples, possibly bananas.









