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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 20

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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 20

1. look, who it is! Marco’s back!
2. Hello! Marco!
3. When did you come back, Marco?
4. I was back a couple of days ago. I wanted to be back with my friends. I cried everyday I was away, you know?
5. Oh, really Marco?
6. Actually, I’m taking an exam: the English as a second language certificate. That’ why came back to Washton.
7. An, I see. Your English is very good. I’m sure you’ll pass the exam.
8. Yes, I hope so. Anyway, why are you back David? What happened with Heidi?
9. Oh, you know, nothing, really.
10. Oh, I see. Yes. Of course.
11. Why do they always talk about Heidi, David? I’m fed up with Heidi!
12. That’s alright, Juanita! Get him hell.
13. Poor David!
14. Is Heidi more beautiful than me? Is she more interesting than me? Did you just go out with her, or did you…
15. Oh, I just were out with her, that’s all.
16. It was a long long time ago, over a month ago now. Anyway, it’s over Juanita! Really!
17. I hope so!
18. Can I say something?
19. Oh, yes, please do, Aiko.
20. Would you all like to come to the theatre this evening?
21. What’s on?
22. It’s a play, er… by Shakespeare, or somebody like that. I’m afraid I can’t remember the name.
23. But please come, everybody! It will be very good!
24. What time does it start?
25. At half past seven.
26. How much do the ticket cost? Not much I hope.
27. Oh, no. they don’t cost anything. I have free tickets.
28. Ok, I’ll come then. Thanks!
29. That’s fantastic! I’ll give you the address: it’s the Washdon College of Drama, 3 Kennedy square…






重点单词   查看全部解释    
fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧





