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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 23

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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 23

Hello, Susan
Help, Roger. How was yourbusinesslunch?
It was alright. Listen, Im going to bed for a couple of hours. I need to think.
Did you talk about important business?
Yes, quite important. Look, why are you so interested in my lunch?
Because I saw you, Roger. You were with Kristi. I know everything now.
What are you talking about, Susan? I just had a business lunch with Kristi, thats all, She wanted to talk about, er a business idea.
A business idea? Im not that stupid! I know want kind of business you have with Kristi.
Well, you can do what you like, Roger. But not with me. I dont want to see you again!
What!!? What do you mean: you dont want to see me again? We are married, Susan!
Not for long. I want a divorce, Roger.
Ok Susan, alright. Let me tell you what happened. Yes, Kristi and I went out together, but its over now. And thats the truth.
Of course, of course. Thats why you had lunch with her.
Im telling you its true, Susan! Look, you can call Kristi and ask her, if you dont believe me.
Call Kristi? How can I possibly call her? How can you even think of it? Youre a bastard, Roger, a real bastard!
Hey, Susan, look, Im really sorry. Really! Listen, Im going to Trinidad this evening on business.
Why dont you come too, and we can have a vacation, and start over? Forget about all this!
No, Roger, I dont want to start over, and Ill never forget about all this.
You dont love me; you married only me to get a job.
Thats not true!
Yes, it is. You married me because my father is an airline president. Well, Its over now.
Whats over?
Dont worry, Roger. I dont mean your job. But I want you out of this apartment, now, Ok?
Im mot going, Susan; this apartment is mine, too. Ill stay here if I want to.
Ill call the police!
Go on then, call them! I dont mind. Im the boss in my house, with my wife!
Help! Police! Come here, please!
Stop that, Susan! Dont do that! Its alright, Im going! Goodbye!









