Obama warns about cost of sequestration
Just hours after across-the-board spending cuts kicked in, U.S. President Barack Obama pressed Congress to work with him on a compromise in his weekly address.
全面削减开支几个小时后,在每周讲话上,美国总统奥巴马敦促国会与他一道制定折中方案 。
UNITED STATES PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "These cuts are not smart. They will hurt our economy and cost us jobs. And Congress can turn them off at any time - as soon as both sides are willing to compromise." Obama issued a warning on the cost of the impasse.
美国总统奥巴马说:“这些削减是不明智的,会损害我们的经济,降低我们的就业 。国会可以随时取消——只要双方都愿意妥协 。”奥巴马就此僵局的代价发出警告 。
UNITED STATES PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "The longer these cuts remain in place, the greater the damage. Economists estimate they could eventually cost us more than 750,000 jobs and slow our economy by over one-half of one percent." Without a resolution government agencies will have to slash $85 billion from their budgets by October 1.
美国总统奥巴马说:“削减搁置的时间越长,危害就越大 。经济学家估计,其最终成本可能会损失750,000个工作,经济放缓0.5个百分点 。”如果没有解决方案,政府机构将不得不在10月1日前从他们的预算中削减850亿美元 。
Dog helps missing 3-year-old survive cold frosty night
The tale of a 3 year old girl gone missing in the frigid cold in Poland had a happy ending thanks to a dog. Rescue workers searched for a 3-year old girl named Julia who wandered into the forest near her village in south-western Poland. She made it through the night -- thanks to the dog who kept her warm -- and alerted rescue workers as to where to find her.
因为这条狗,寒冷的波兰一名3岁女孩失踪的故事才能圆满的结束 。在兰西南部,3岁的小女孩茱莉亚在她附近的村庄走失了,救援人员展开营救 。多亏狗狗保住了体温小女孩才得以熬过这个夜晚,它还通知了救援人员在那里找到了她 。
FIRE-FIGHTER GRZEGORZ SZYMONOWSKI, SAYING: "This dog is the most important part of this story, he is a hero. It is thanks to this dog that the girl survived the night." Her grandmother says the dog was the girls best friend.
消防员Grzegorz Szymonowski说:“狗是这个故事最重要的部分,它是个英雄 。因为这只狗,女孩在这个夜晚才得以幸存 。”她的祖母说狗是女孩最好的朋友 。
RESCUED GIRLS GRANDMOTHER, DANUTA BALAK, SAYING: "She was with this dog all the time. She didn't go anywhere without it. When she was with me, when I was looking after her, she constantly said, 'Granny, the dog needs to come in the house. And she told me to cut bread and she fed it all the time." Julia is now is being treated for light symptoms of frostbite.
女孩的祖母Danuta Balak说:“她一直和这只狗呆在一起,形影不离 。当她和我在一起,当我照顾她的时候,她经常说:”奶奶,狗狗要进房子里来 。她一直叫我给狗切面包喂给它吃 。”茱莉亚因冻伤现在正在接受治疗 。
Secret bakery feeds people of Aleppo
As the war continues to tear Syria apart, residents in Aleppo are increasingly desperate for food. Hunger is the latest threat to survival as supplies fail to arrive. This bakery is providing around 1,000kg of bread every day. Its location has been kept secret, as opposition fighters say bakeries have been targeted by government shelling. Residents say the Free Syrian Army is paying to keep the bakery running amid fuel shortages and fights over flour. One local resident, who wants to remain anonymous, says the opposition is helping civilians.
随着战争继续撕裂叙利亚,食物成为阿勒颇居民日渐渴望的物品 。由于供应物资不能到达,饥饿成了最近生存的威胁 。面包店的地点一直是保密的,因为反对派战士称面包店一直是政府炮轰的对象 。居民称,尽管燃料短缺、面粉抢占,叙利亚自由军仍在运营着这家面包店 。一名不愿公开身份的当地军民称,反对派正在帮助平民 。
MAN WHO DID NOT WANT TO SHOW HIS FACE OR GIVE HIS NAME SPEAKING OUTSIDE BAKERY, SAYING: "Before eight months, the Free Army has taken control of this area." REPORTER ASKING "The Army help you..." "For surviving." Not all residents blame the government for the suffering. Even in some rebel-held areas, civilians are finding dire living conditions too much to bare. Aid groups warn of a worsening crisis if relief fails to reach people desperately in need.
面包店外一名不愿公开身份的男人说:“八个月前,自由军占领了这个地区 。”记者问“军队帮助你……”“为了生存 。”并不是所有的居民都将苦难归结于政府 。即使在一些反政府控制的地区,平民的生活条件仍极度困难 。援助机构警告称,如果未能满足人们日切的需要,危急将恶化 。