1. Petroleumgeology is the application of geology (the study of rocks) _____the exploration_____and production of oil and gas.
A for/of B to/for C of/for D to/of
2. Geologyitself is firmly based on chemistry, physics, and biology, _____the applicationof essentially abstract concepts _____observed data.
A involved/of Binvolves/for Cinvolving/ to D involving/for
3. Geology, in general, and petroleum geology,in particular, still _____value judgements based on experience and anassessment of validity among the data _____.
Arely on/presented B rely on/presenting C reply on/presented D reply on/present
4. Detailed knowledge of the mineralogical_____ of rocks is important at many levels.
A compose B comprehension C composition D complication
5. In the early stages of exploration certaingeneral conclusionsas tothe distribution and quality of potentialreservoir could be made from their_____ lithology.
A grow B groove C grocery D gross
6. For example, the porosity of sandstonestends to_____, whereas in carbonate rocks this is generally not so.
A be facies related B relatedfacies C be facial related D being related facies
7. Detailed knowledge of the mineralogy ofreservoirs enables estimates ____ the rate ___ which they may lose porosityduring burial, and this detailed mineralogical information isessentialforthe accurateinterpretationof geophysical well logs through reservoirs.
A be made of/ at B to make/ for C to be made of/at D being made/to
8. Knowledge of the chemistry of pore fluidsand their effect on the stability of minerals can be used to predict _____ porositymay be destroyed by cementation,preservedin its original form, orenhancedbysolutionof minerals by formation waters.
A what B where C how D which
9. Organic chemistry is both involved theanalysis of oil and gas and in the study of the diagenesis of the plant andanimal tissues in sediments and the way in whichthe resultantorganic____, kerogen, generates petroleum.
A compose B campus C complicate D compound
10. In its broadest application geophysics makes amajor_____ to _____the earth's crust and especially through the application ofmodem plate tectonic theory, the genesis and petroleum potential of sedimentarybasins.
A contribute/ understanding B contribution/understand
C contribution/ understanding D contribute/understand
11. Modern petroleum exploration is unthinkable______the aid of magnetism, gravity, and seismic surveys in finding potentialpetroleum traps.
A at B with C for D without
12. Biology is applied to geology in several ways,notably through the study of fossils (paleontology), and is especiallysignificant in ____ biostratigraphic zones for regional stratigraphicalcorrelation.
A established B establishment C establishing D establish
13. The shift on emphasisfromthe use ofmacrofossilstomicrofossils for zonation, ____ oil exploration, hasalready been noted.
A causing B because C caused D causedby
14. Carbonate sediments, in general, and reels, inparticular, can only be studied _____ with the aid of a detailed knowledge ofthe ecology of modern marine fauna and flora.
A profitably B profit C profitable D benefit
15. Biology, and especially biochemistry,isimportant in studying the transformation of plant and animal tissues intokerogenduring burial and the ______ of oil or gas that may be caused by thistransformation.
A generator Bgenerate C generation D creation
16. Geologists, ________ some nongeologists,believe that knowledge of the concepts of geology can help to find petroleumand, furthermore, often think that petroleum geology and petroleum explorationare synonyms, _____they are not.
A in contrast to/ which B comparedto/who
C in contrast with/which D comparing to/ which
17. Theories _____petroleum is not formed by thetransformation of organic matter in sediments ______noted and are examined inmore detail.
A that/has already been B that/havealready been
C which/are already D what/ are
18. If the petroleum geologists' view of oilgeneration and migration are not accepted, then present exploration methodswould need extensive _____.
A modify B modification C complication Dapplication
19. In 1982 asuccessful oil finder from Midland, Texas, admitted to not using geologistsbecause _____his competitors hired them, all it did was to increase their costsper barrel of oil ____.
A of/ find B while/ founded C when, found D though/ finding
20. The South African State Oil Company (SOEKOR)is under a statutory obligationimposed byits government to put to thetest every claim to an oil-finding method, ___ a dowsing or some sophisticatedscientific technique.
Abe it B it maybe C being it D it being
答案:1B 2C 3A 4C 5D 6A 7C 8B 9D 10C 11D 12C 13D 14A 15C 16A 17B 18B 19C 20A