布拉德皮特骑摩托车出街 超级拉风惹围观
With the kids away, Dad will play!Celebrity dad and actor Brad Pitt took a moment out of his hectic family life to go for a solo ride on one of his many custom motorcycles around New Orleans this Wed -
Holy shoes!Whether she wants to admit it or not, Kim Kardashian is totally and completely obsessed with shoes. Not only is this evident by the crazy designs she wears both on the red carpet and to ru -
凯特·温丝莱特作客节目 大谈"3D泰坦尼克"观感
Kate Winslet has revealed that she has seen some footage from the new 3D rendering of Titanic and is excited for its release.Titanic broke box office records when it was released in 1997, and is now -
The Pretty Reckless singer explained in a new interview with FHM that she has always been highly strung and has a very difficult time unwinding."I'm completely neurotic, totally anxious and high- -
《迷失》男星马修·福克斯登银幕 将主演《天皇》
据国外媒体报道,美剧《迷失》(Lost)主演马修·福克斯(Matthew Fox)将会再次回到小岛上,他将主演的下一部电影被设定在二战之后的日本,名为《天皇》(Emperor)。对于马修·福克斯来说,想从在全球热播的《迷失》中过 -
新版《古墓丽影》剧本完成 朱莉因超龄无缘女主
在2011年5月份,就曾曝出新版《古墓丽影》的制作计划,曾执笔《钢铁侠》的两位编剧马克·费格斯和霍克·奥斯特比负责撰写新版《古墓丽影》的初稿剧本。新版影片将会从铁娘子劳拉·克劳福特最初年轻时候讲起,而原版 -
JENNIFER LOPEZAfter shedding clothes in a sexy medley of her songs, the favorite Latin artist winner attends her own afterparty in a glittering, fringed Emilio Pucci mini, Neil Lane jewelry and spark -
《暮光之城:破晓I》首映夜 "贝拉"惊艳红毯
Kristen Stewart had all eyes on her — and the daringly high slit in her J. Mendel dress, which showed off lots of leg — at the premiere of Breaking Dawn Part 1, which took place at the Nokia Theate -
根据最新消息,《吸血鬼日记》剧组已经与托瑞•戴维托(Torrey DeVitto)签下了一个常驻角色的合约。这名女演员正是《美少女的谎言》中梅丽莎(Melissa)的饰演者——同时她还是斯特凡的扮演者,保罗•韦2011-11-10 编辑:beck 标签:
克里斯汀·斯图尔特(Kristen Stewart)说她非常的害羞。这位《暮光之城》的女演员透露说,采访让她很不安,她不是刻意表现得冷漠的。“有时有人会告诉我,我是个有距离感、很冷淡的人”斯图尔特接受StarClub杂志采访2011-11-03 编辑:beck 标签:
如果你是一个80后,那么《成长的烦恼》这部美剧在你的记忆中必定熟悉又亲切。日前,该剧主创在该剧播毕近20年后再度重聚,相似的场景,同样的人,面庞上却是不可阻挡的岁月痕迹,令很多在寒暑假一次次温习这部戏长2011-10-26 编辑:Lily 标签:
Johnny Depp德普叔经典语录大集合
Johnny Depp,一个令人荡漾的名字,从剪刀手到杰克船长,俘获了多少女孩子的心……一起来读读德普哥的语录 The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants. 只有狗和小孩是2011-10-25 编辑:Lily 标签:
南都记者 方夷敏 发自澳门 “憨豆先生”———英国喜剧演员罗温·艾金森年前秘密到澳门拍摄新片《憨豆特工》续集《憨豆特工2》(《JohnnyEnglishReborn》),在澳门赌场上演了一幕搞笑“007”。南都记者前往澳门探班2011-10-20 编辑:beck 标签:
《兔子洞》是妮可-基德曼的“心血之作”,她不仅担任制片人,还饰演经历丧子之痛的女主角。 为了演好这个角色,妮可没少从自己的生活中找灵感。 在电影《兔子洞》中,妮可-基德曼搭档亚伦-埃克哈特扮演了一2011-10-19 编辑:beck 标签:
《莱姆酒日记》洛杉矶首映 德普艾梅柏出席
点击此处看预告片当地时间10月13日,《莱姆酒日记》在洛杉矶州立艺术博物馆举行首映,男主约翰尼·德普携手艾梅柏·希尔德,以及艾伦·艾克哈特共同出席。好莱坞最美蕾丝边艾梅柏·希尔德一袭红色礼服惊艳全场,德普2011-10-18 编辑:beck 标签:
Wait. Come here.Is there anything I -
