n. 野兽的巢穴,躲藏处
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- First, we get my hook.
- 首先我们去找鱼钩
- Then save the world. Deal?
- 然后拯救全世界 成交?
- Deal. Worth a shot.Okay, we go east.To the lair of Tamatoa.
- 成交 就是想再试试 好吧 我们往东走 去螃蟹怪的巢穴
- If anyone has my hook, it's that beadyeyed bottom feeder.
- 我的鱼钩肯定被那个眼尖的食底泥动物捡到了
- Teach me to sail.My job is to deliver Maui across the great ocean.
- 教我驾船吧 我的任务就是带你漂洋过海
- I should... I should be sailing.
- 所以我 我应该来驾船
- It's called Wayfinding, Princess.And it's not just sails and knots.
- 这叫寻路 小公主 寻路可不像驾船那么简单
- It's seeing where you're going in your mind.
- 你不仅要知道目的地在哪儿
- Knowing where you are.By knowing where you've been.
- 还要清楚当前的位置和已经走过的地方
- Okay, first, I'm not a princess.I'm the daughter of the chief.Same difference.No.
- 好吧 不过我可不是什么公主 我是酋长的女儿 没什么区别 有区别
- If you wear a dress, and you have an animal sidekick.
- 如果你穿条裙子 再带只小宠物
- You're a Princess.You're not a wayfinder.
- 你就是公主了 所以你不是寻路人
- You will never be a wayfinder.You will never be a way...
- 也永远不会成为寻路人 你不可能成为寻路
- Really? Blow dart in my butt cheek.
- 不会吧 拿我的屁股当靶子


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