n. 饵,引诱
vt. 嘲笑,纵犬攻击,以饵引
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- Well, have you tried using a different bait?
- 好吧 你们有没有试过换换鱼饵呢?
- I don't think it's the bait.There no fish.
- 我觉得不是鱼饵的问题 没有鱼
- It seems like it's getting worse and worse.
- 情况好像越来越糟了
- Of course I understand you have reason to concern.I will talk to the counselor.
- 当然 我能理解你在担心什么 我会和长老们商量的
- I'm sure we ca... What if... We fished beyond the reef.
- 我们一定会… 我们…为什么不能出海捕鱼
- No one goes beyond the reef.
- 从来没有人出过海
- I know! But if there are no fish in the lagoon...
- 我知道 但如果礁湖里真的没有鱼了
- Moana! And there's a whole ocean...We have one rule!
- 莫阿娜 还有那么大一片海呢 我们要遵守规则
- An old rule when there were fish!
- 可那是有鱼的时候制定的规则
- A rule that keeps us safe!
- 它能确保我们的安全
- But dad...Instead of endangering our people, so you can run right back to the water!
- 可是 爸爸 而不是像你说的那样让大家以身犯险
- Every time, I think you're past this.No one goes beyond the reef!
- 我还以为你放弃了离岛的念头 所有人都不许离开这座岛
- Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad standing on a boat.
- 你不该当着你爸爸的面提出海的事情
- I didn't say go beyond the reef.Because I want to be on the ocean.
- 我说的是出海捕鱼 又不是要去冒险
- But you still do.
- 但你还是想去
- He's hard on you, because...Because he doesn't get me.
- 你爸爸生你的气是因为 是因为他不懂我
- Because he was you.Drawn to the ocean.Down by the shore.
- 是因为他也曾跟你一样对大海着迷 想去海上


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