n. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借
vi. 诉诸,
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- In the beginning.There was only ocean.Until the "Mother Island" emerged. Te Fiti.
- 混沌初开时 世界只是一片汪洋 然后海岛之母特菲提来到了人间
- Her heart held the greatest power ever known.
- 特菲提之心有着世间最伟大的法力
- It could create life itself!And Te Fiti share it with the world.
- 它能够创造生命 于是特菲提创造了人间的一切
- But in time, some began to seek Te Fiti's heart.
- 可是后来 有人想要得到特菲提之心
- They believed if they could possess it.The great power of creation would be theirs.
- 他们相信只要得到了它 也就有了创造万物的法力
- And one day...The most daring of them all...Voyaged across the vast ocean to take it.
- 有一天 这些人中最勇敢的一位飘洋过海去寻找这颗心
- He was the demigod of the wind and sea.He was a warrior ...A trickster!
- 他是个主宰风和海的半神 他是个勇士 也是个变形者
- A shape shifter who could change form.With the power of his magical fish hook.
- 他那充满魔力的鱼钩法杖 能让他变化无穷
- And his name was Maui!
- 他的名字叫毛伊
- But without her heart.Te Fiti began to crumble.Giving birth to a terrible darkness.
- 她的心被偷走了以后 特菲提开始瓦解并释放出了可怕的黑暗势力


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