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  • How do you know about all this?
  • 你怎么知道这些的
  • My uncle John left this old diary lying around.
  • 我的叔叔约翰遗留下了一本古老的日记
  • It was written by a crazy Gilbert ancestor who wrote about this curse that ran in your family.
  • 是一个疯狂的吉尔伯特祖先写的 他写了你们家族所受到的这个诅咒
  • A curse about what?Werewolves.It's crazy, right?
  • 关于什么的诅咒 狼人 这听起来很疯狂 是吧
  • But then, Matt was attacked by a wolf under a full moon,and your uncle had just gotten back to town.It was just-- it was too weird.
  • 但是后来马特在满月那天 被一只狼袭击了 而你叔叔那时刚好回到镇上了 这是不是 有点太奇怪了
  • Is it true?About my uncle?Yeah.
  • 这是真的吗 你是说我叔叔吗 是的
  • But you,you're not?A wolf? I'm sorry, werewolf?No
  • 但是你 你不是 一头狼 哦不对 狼人 不是
  • I mean, not yet.You know? Hell, just just saying that out loud, I sound insane.
  • 我是说 还不是 你知道的 见鬼 我这么说还真是听起来像疯了
  • I don't think so.But then again,I always did believe in the crazy stuff.
  • 我不觉得 话又说回来 我总是很相信这些疯狂的事情
  • According to my uncle, you have to trigger the curse.
  • 听我叔叔说 诅咒是需要被唤醒的
  • Somebody has to die at your hands,like murder, or an accident.
  • 必须有人因你而死 像谋杀 或意外杀害什么的
  • I basically have to cause death,and then, boom, next full moon,I'm howling on all fours.
  • 我需要致某人于死地 然后在下一个满月 我就会变成一只嚎叫的狼
  • Is that why he came back, to tell you all this?
  • 他回来就是为了告诉你这些吗
  • Yeah, right. He had to tell me.I caught him. He's not here for me.
  • 是的 他必须得告诉我 我发现了他的秘密 他不是为我而来的
  • He's here for this.Down the stairs to the left.
  • 是为了这个 下楼向左拐
  • Careful. The wooden bullets and vervain won't keep them down for long. What is this place?
  • 小心 木子弹和马鞭草 制不了他们很久 这是什么地方
  • Old slave quarters from the original Lockwood house.Go on.
  • 是洛克伍德老房子里奴隶住的地方 继续下去


How do you know about all this?


My uncle John left this old diary lying around.


It was written by a crazy Gilbert ancestor who wrote about this curse that ran in your family.

是一个疯狂的吉尔伯特祖先写的 他写了你们家族所受到的这个诅咒

A curse about what?Werewolves.It's crazy, right?

关于什么的诅咒 狼人 这听起来很疯狂 是吧

But then, Matt was attacked by a wolf under a full moon,and your uncle had just gotten back to town.It was just-- it was too weird.

但是后来马特在满月那天 被一只狼袭击了 而你叔叔那时刚好回到镇上了 这是不是 有点太奇怪了

Is it true?About my uncle?Yeah.

这是真的吗 你是说我叔叔吗 是的

But you,you're not?A wolf? I'm sorry, werewolf?No

但是你 你不是 一头狼 哦不对 狼人 不是

I mean, not yet.You know? Hell, just just saying that out loud, I sound insane.

我是说 还不是 你知道的 见鬼 我这么说还真是听起来像疯了

I don't think so.But then again,I always did believe in the crazy stuff.

我不觉得 话又说回来 我总是很相信这些疯狂的事情

According to my uncle, you have to trigger the curse.

听我叔叔说 诅咒是需要被唤醒的

Somebody has to die at your hands,like murder, or an accident.

必须有人因你而死 像谋杀 或意外杀害什么的

I basically have to cause death,and then, boom, next full moon,I'm howling on all fours.

我需要致某人于死地 然后在下一个满月 我就会变成一只嚎叫的狼

Is that why he came back, to tell you all this?


Yeah, right. He had to tell me.I caught him. He's not here for me.

是的 他必须得告诉我 我发现了他的秘密 他不是为我而来的

He's here for this.Down the stairs to the left.

是为了这个 下楼向左拐

Careful. The wooden bullets and vervain won't keep them down for long. What is this place?

小心 木子弹和马鞭草 制不了他们很久 这是什么地方

Old slave quarters from the original Lockwood house.Go on.

是洛克伍德老房子里奴隶住的地方 继续下去

重点单词   查看全部解释    
questionnaire [.kwestʃən'ɛ]


n. 调查表

incident ['insidənt]


n. 事件,事变,插曲
adj. 难免的,附带

diary ['daiəri]


n. 日记,日记簿

deliberately [di'libəritli]


adv. 慎重地,故意地

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

restore [ri'stɔ:]


vt. 恢复,修复,使复原

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

ancestor ['ænsistə]


n. 祖宗,祖先,原种

indefinite [in'definit]


adj. 模糊的,不确定的,无限的

curse [kə:s]


n. 诅咒,咒骂,祸端
vt. 咒骂,诅咒,使





