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来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I have to ask...has there been any news?No. No. I'm afraid not.It's right this way.
  • 我得问一句 最近有什么消息吗 据我所知 恐怕没有 这边走
  • I'll grab the light. Feel free to look around.It's fascinating, isn't it?
  • 我去拿灯 你们随便看看 怎样 很棒吧
  • Where'd she go?Pull it out. I can't reach it, Elena.
  • 她去哪了 拔出来 埃琳娜 我自己够不着
  • Just pull the damn thing out. It hurts.That bitch is dead.
  • 快把这死东西拔掉 怪疼的 那贱人死定了
  • Uh, you're not going to kill her.Watch me.
  • 你不能杀她 你看我能不能
  • You touch her and I swear I will never speak to you again.
  • 你要是动她一下 我发誓以后再不理你了
  • What makes you think that has any power over me?
  • 你凭什么以为这话能有用
  • 'cause I took an arrow in the back for you?
  • 就因为我替你挡了一箭吗
  • You are severely overestimating yourself.
  • 你真是太高估你自己了
  • Right. I forgot that I was speaking to a psychotic mind who snaps and kills people impulsively.
  • 我的错 我忘了自己是在和一个 杀人不眨眼的神经病说话
  • Fine. Go ahead. Do whatever you want.You're trying to manipulate me.
  • 行 你去吧 想怎样就怎样 你这是欲擒故纵
  • If by "manipulate" you mean tell the truth, OK.Guilty.
  • 如果你说的"欲擒故纵"是指的实话实说 不错 我承认
  • Please! OK. I freaked.All right, you would have done the same thing.
  • 求求你 我吓坏了 换你你也会这么干的
  • It's not possible Katherine Pierce can't be alive.And Damon Salvatore died in 1864.Ok. I read Isobel's research.
  • 这不可能 凯瑟琳·皮尔斯不可能还活着 达蒙·塞尔瓦托在1864年就死了 我读过伊泽贝尔的调查资料
  • Well, then you should know just how possible this is.
  • 那你应该知道 这些事有多真实


I have to ask...has there been any news?No. No. I'm afraid not.It's right this way.

我得问一句 最近有什么消息吗 据我所知 恐怕没有 这边走

I'll grab the light. Feel free to look around.It's fascinating, isn't it?

我去拿灯 你们随便看看 怎样 很棒吧

Where'd she go?Pull it out. I can't reach it, Elena.

她去哪了 拔出来 埃琳娜 我自己够不着

Just pull the damn thing out. It hurts.That bitch is dead.

快把这死东西拔掉 怪疼的 那贱人死定了

Uh, you're not going to kill her.Watch me.

你不能杀她 你看我能不能

You touch her and I swear I will never speak to you again.

你要是动她一下 我发誓以后再不理你了

What makes you think that has any power over me?


'cause I took an arrow in the back for you?


You are severely overestimating yourself.


Right. I forgot that I was speaking to a psychotic mind who snaps and kills people impulsively.

我的错 我忘了自己是在和一个 杀人不眨眼的神经病说话

Fine. Go ahead. Do whatever you want.You're trying to manipulate me.

行 你去吧 想怎样就怎样 你这是欲擒故纵

If by "manipulate" you mean tell the truth, OK.Guilty.

如果你说的"欲擒故纵"是指的实话实说 不错 我承认

Please! OK. I freaked.All right, you would have done the same thing.

求求你 我吓坏了 换你你也会这么干的

It's not possible Katherine Pierce can't be alive.And Damon Salvatore died in 1864.Ok. I read Isobel's research.

这不可能 凯瑟琳·皮尔斯不可能还活着 达蒙·塞尔瓦托在1864年就死了 我读过伊泽贝尔的调查资料

Well, then you should know just how possible this is.

那你应该知道 这些事有多真实

重点单词   查看全部解释    
overtake [.əuvə'teik]


v. 赶上,突然来袭,压倒

psychotic [sai'kɔtik]


adj. 精神病的 n. 精神病患者

fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]


adj. 迷人的

guilty ['gilti]


adj. 有罪的,内疚的

manipulate [mə'nipjuleit]


vt. 操纵,操作,控制,利用,(巧妙地)处理,篡改

pierce [piəs]


n. 皮尔斯
v. 刺穿,穿透,洞悉





