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来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • It didn't make any sense me.You were a Gilbert. She was a Pierce.
  • 我之前也觉得很奇怪 你姓吉尔伯特 她姓皮尔斯
  • But the resemblance was too similar.And then I learned the truth.
  • 但你们实在太相像了 后来我发现了真相
  • You were adopted, Elena.There you are.
  • 你是被收养的 埃琳娜 你在这儿啊
  • Ok, look. I know I don't know you,So don't ask me why I did this.
  • 听着 我知道我跟你不熟 所以别问我为什么要这么做
  • I just, sometimes...Mostly all the time, I have this need to be right.
  • 只是 有时候 也许一直是这样 我要证明自己是对的
  • So I googled and...What is it?Proof. Sort of.What does this mean?
  • 所以我在谷歌上搜索 这是什么 证据 算是吧 什么意思
  • Well, I only went as far back as 1942,And found that there's been a string of animal attacks
  • 我仅仅是追查到1942年 就发现了在过去的75年里 镇上每隔
  • Periodically in and around this town for the past 75 years.
  • 一段时间都会发生动物袭击事件
  • It's consistent.In '62, 5 bodies found.In '53, 4 people killed.
  • 长期以来都如此 62年 发现了5具尸体 1953年 死了4个人
  • In '74, 3 people dead.And there's been 5 this year.
  • 74年 死了3个 而今年已经有5个了
  • All attacked, all suffered major blood loss,As in drained of blood.How do you know this?
  • 所有受害者 都是失血过多而死 像是血被吸干了 你怎么知道的
  • Your birth certificate from the city records.It says Elena Gilbert. Mystic falls general.
  • 你在市政档案中的出生证明 上面写你是在神秘瀑布镇医院出生的
  • But there's no record of your mother ever being admitted.
  • 但没有你妈妈入院的记录
  • There's no record of her ever being pregnant.What else do you know?
  • 也没有她怀过孕的记录 你还知道些什么


It didn't make any sense me.You were a Gilbert. She was a Pierce.

我之前也觉得很奇怪 你姓吉尔伯特 她姓皮尔斯

But the resemblance was too similar.And then I learned the truth.

但你们实在太相像了 后来我发现了真相

You were adopted, Elena.There you are.

你是被收养的 埃琳娜 你在这儿啊

Ok, look. I know I don't know you,So don't ask me why I did this.

听着 我知道我跟你不熟 所以别问我为什么要这么做

I just, sometimes...Mostly all the time, I have this need to be right.

只是 有时候 也许一直是这样 我要证明自己是对的

So I googled and...What is it?Proof. Sort of.What does this mean?

所以我在谷歌上搜索 这是什么 证据 算是吧 什么意思

Well, I only went as far back as 1942,And found that there's been a string of animal attacks

我仅仅是追查到1942年 就发现了在过去的75年里 镇上每隔

Periodically in and around this town for the past 75 years.


It's consistent.In '62, 5 bodies found.In '53, 4 people killed.

长期以来都如此 62年 发现了5具尸体 1953年 死了4个人

In '74, 3 people dead.And there's been 5 this year.

74年 死了3个 而今年已经有5个了

All attacked, all suffered major blood loss,As in drained of blood.How do you know this?

所有受害者 都是失血过多而死 像是血被吸干了 你怎么知道的

Your birth certificate from the city records.It says Elena Gilbert. Mystic falls general.

你在市政档案中的出生证明 上面写你是在神秘瀑布镇医院出生的

But there's no record of your mother ever being admitted.


There's no record of her ever being pregnant.What else do you know?

也没有她怀过孕的记录 你还知道些什么

重点单词   查看全部解释    
resemblance [ri'zembləns]


n. 相像,相似

decline [di'klain]


n. 衰微,跌落; 晚年
v. 降低,婉谢

deterioration [di.tiriə'reiʃən]


n. 恶化,降低,退化

string [striŋ]


n. 线,一串,字串
vt. 串起,成串,收紧

pierce [piəs]


n. 皮尔斯
v. 刺穿,穿透,洞悉

consistent [kən'sistənt]


adj. 始终如一的,一致的,坚持的

maintenance ['meintinəns]


n. 维护,保持,维修,生活费用
n. 供给,





