Okay in Avatar when they have sex in Pandora they hook up their ponytails, so we know their ponytails are like their junk.
《阿凡达》的人物在潘多拉性交时会连接双方的马尾辫 可以推测马尾辫类似于他们的生殖器
Yeah... so? So, when they ride horses and fly on the birds,they also use their ponytails.
What's your point?
My point is, if I were a horse or a bird, I'd be very nervous around James Cameron.
也就是说 如果我是马或者鸟我在詹姆斯?卡梅隆身边会相当紧张
It amazes me how you constantly obsess over fictional details when there are more important things in the real world to worry about.
你对虚构情节如此着迷 实在让我费解现实世界中还有很多 重要的事等着你呢
For example, why wasn't William Shatner in the new Star Trek movie?
比如 威廉?夏特纳怎么没出演 新的《星际迷航》电影
Hey, Sheldon. I was up in the administration office,and I happened to overhear the name of the winner of this year's Chancellor's Award for Science.
谢尔顿 我刚走过行政办公室时无意中听到了 今年大学科学奖得奖人的名字
And you want to rub my nose in the factthat my contributions are being overlooked again?
I am the William Shatner of theoretical physics.
All right, I'll play.What self-important, preening fraud are they honoring this year?
好吧 我配合你 他们今年选了哪个 自以为是 狂妄自大的骗子
Oh, I'm so glad you asked it like that. You.
我真高兴你这么问 那个人就是你
I won? - You won.I won!
我得奖了 -你得奖了我得奖啦
This is astonishing.
Not that I won the award-- no one deserves it more.
不是意外得了奖 没人比我更有资格
Actually, I guess I misspoke. It's not astonishing; more like inevitable.
其实 我说错了 根本不意外 得奖是意料中的事
I'm not sure what to do first. Maybe I should call my mother.Wait! I know-- I'm going to conduct an interview with myself and post it online.
我不知道该先做什么 要不先通知我妈我知道啦 做个自访 然后放到网上去
Well, good for him.
Yeah, the one thing the William Shatnerof theoretical physics needed was an ego boost.