see to
In order to run your restaurant well, your attendants must see to the needs of your customers.
为了运作好你的餐厅,你的服务员必须照料到顾客的需要 。
relate to
We like XTP as well, because it represents a business challenge that customers can relate to.
我们也很喜欢XTP这个词,因为它表现了客户可能涉及到的业务挑战 。
考考你 Q&A
Q: Please use the word or phrase you just learnt to complete the sentence beblow.
1.But the scale of the protests being held across Iran today also suggests a despair that is more _____ than simply outrage over what they see as a stolen election.
现在伊朗各地抗议活动的剧烈程度同时暗示着一种绝望,这种根深蒂固的绝望,远不是对一场看来被盗取了成果的选举感到愤怒那么简单 。
2.What _____ can I remember, and why?
我到底能记住些什么? 为什么?
1.We trust you will _____ it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time, as any delay would cause us no little financial loss.
我方相信,贵方会注意到所订货物应在规定的时间内发出,因为任何延误都会给我方造成很大的经济损失 。
2.How do you _____ others?
deep-rooted;the hell