They need a good kick up the arse.
May we say "shot in the arm," sir? For the tabloids?
先生 我们对小报说"一点点刺激"好吗?
Say what you need to say.
The important thing is what we do.
I intend to start with the worst schools in the country.
But that would mean St Trinian's, sir.
先生 你是说从乌龙女校开始
What's the matter with him?
Five years ago he went to that place undercover.

He's suffered severe and recurrent trauma ever since.
从那时起 他就开始遭受严重反复性的精神创伤
Really? From a bunch of naughty schoolgirls?
是吗 一群淘气的女学生?
You wouldn't know, man. You weren't there.
你不会明白 你没在场
When I overhauled the prison service I began by tackling the most fractious, lawless and feared institutions around.
我整顿监狱系统的时候 我从最难缠 最无法无天 最令人恐惧的监狱开始
Once I'd dealt with those, the others simply fell into place.
我把这样的监狱都整顿好了 其它的自然就不在话下
We'll take the same approach with St Trinian's.
Be afraid, sir. Be very afraid.
小心行事 先生 一定要小心
Right. On my command, unleash hell.