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胡敏读故事记托福短语(MP3+中英字幕) 第95期:引起注意

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 95.Looking for Attention
  • 95.引起注意
  • "Get out of the way!" Jake said as he pushed Michael over.
  • "让开点儿!"杰克边说边把迈克尔推到一边。
  • "I've got to get over to the basketball court for practice!"
  • "我要去篮球场练球了!"
  • "Mom!" Michael yelled. Jake pushed me over again!"
  • "妈!"迈克尔大声叫道。"杰克又推我了!"
  • "Jake," Mom shouted from the kitchen.
  • "杰克。"妈妈从厨房喊道。
  • "Don't get me started on yelling at you today, okay?
  • "你今天别让我开始对你嚷嚷,行吗?
  • I got my hands full with the little ones!"
  • 这些小东西让我忙得不可开交!"
  • "Okay, mom!" Jake said as he turned to Michael.
  • "好的,妈妈。"杰克边说边转向迈克尔。
  • "Got your monkey all up for nothing, twerp!
  • "没事也要生气,你这个讨厌鬼!
  • She didn't care!" and then Jake pushed Michael down again and left the house.
  • 她才不管呢!"然后他又把迈克尔推倒在地,并离开了家。
  • Jake always made Michael want to get sick these days! Really!
  • 这些天来杰克总是搞得迈克尔不舒服!真是的!
  • From the moment he got out of bed to the moment he closed his eyes at night, Jake only tortured Michael.
  • 从早上起床开始一直到晚上闭上眼睛,杰克唯一做的一件事就是折磨迈克尔。
  • And mother never got round to punishing him because she was too busy!
  • 妈妈因为太忙,抽不出时间治他。
  • He would never get in trouble! Well Michael was sick of it.
  • 所以他永远不会有麻烦!迈克尔都烦死了。
  • He went to his mom and cried!
  • 他走到妈妈身边哭了起来!
  • When mother asked if he had to get something off his chest, Michael told her everything.
  • 当妈妈问他是否有话要说时,迈克尔把事情原原本本说了出来。
  • And Michael was wrong, his mother got rid of her fear of punishing Jake and grounded him in his room for a week!
  • 但迈克尔估计错了,妈妈摆脱了惩罚杰克的恐惧,把他在屋子里关了一星期!
  • Boy did Jake hate that! But he couldn't get out of his room and Michael got on with a week of total peace.
  • 杰克心里那个恨哟!但他就是出不了门,迈克尔则开始有了一个星期的安宁。
  • When Jake was "released" Michael knew that he could get anywhere but home for a few days.
  • 杰克获"释"时迈克尔知道几天之内他哪里都可以去,就是别回家。
  • He slept at his friend's house! But he had got it wrong again!
  • 他居然睡在了朋友家!但他这次又搞错了!
  • Jake was only nice to Michael from then on! He was just looking for attention from mom.
  • 从那时起杰克就对迈克尔好了!他原来那样做只是为了引起妈妈的注意。
  • They all got on well for a long time after that!
  • 那件事情之后大家和睦相处了很长一段时间!


95.Looking for Attention

"Get out of the way!" Jake said as he pushed Michael over.
"I've got to get over to the basketball court for practice!"
"Mom!" Michael yelled. Jake pushed me over again!"
"Jake," Mom shouted from the kitchen.
"Don't get me started on yelling at you today, okay?
I got my hands full with the little ones!"
"Okay, mom!" Jake said as he turned to Michael.


"Got your monkey all up for nothing, twerp!

She didn't care!" and then Jake pushed Michael down again and left the house.
Jake always made Michael want to get sick these days! Really!
From the moment he got out of bed to the moment he closed his eyes at night, Jake only tortured Michael.
And mother never got round to punishing him because she was too busy!
He would never get in trouble! Well Michael was sick of it.
He went to his mom and cried!
When mother asked if he had to get something off his chest, Michael told her everything.
And Michael was wrong, his mother got rid of her fear of punishing Jake and grounded him in his room for a week!
Boy did Jake hate that! But he couldn't get out of his room and Michael got on with a week of total peace.
When Jake was "released" Michael knew that he could get anywhere but home for a few days.
He slept at his friend's house! But he had got it wrong again!
Jake was only nice to Michael from then on! He was just looking for attention from mom.
They all got on well for a long time after that!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
blindness ['blaidnis]


n. 失明;无知;[军]盲区

grounded ['graundid]


adj. [物]接地的;有基础的 v. 停(ground

awareness [ə'wɛənis]


n. 认识,意识,了解

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间





