Critical Reading > Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
1.According to Burgess, a novelist should not ------- , for sermonizing has no place in good fiction.
Answer Choices
(A) invent
(B) offend
(C) inform
(D) preach
(E) distort
2.The research is so ------- that it leaves no part of the issue unexamined.
(A) comprehensive
(B) rewarding
(C) sporadic
(D) economical
(E) problematical
3.Because he felt intimidated in his new position, he was ------- divulging his frank opinions of company proposals.
A. scurrilous about
B. candid in
C. chary of
D. fervid about
E. precipitate in
4.So that she would not be considered ------- in her actions, the department head made sure that the members of the advisory committee ------- her plans before she started to implement them.
Answer Choices
(A) capricious . . ridiculed
(B) deliberative . . ignored
(C) impulsive . . approved
(D) tardy . . designed
(E) provocative . . mislaid
5.The addition of descriptive details to the basic information serves to ------- the book by producing a fuller account.
Answer Choices
(A) invalidate
(B) objectify
(C) incite
(D) celebrate
(E) enrich
6.The notoriously temperamental American actor Edwin Forrest was known for his ------- both on stage and off.
Answer Choices
(A) apologies
(B) musings
(C) inequities
(D) histrionics
(E) philosophies
7.Ramona had never visited Niagara Falls, but she could appreciate their splendor ------- through the descriptions of others.
Answer Choices
(A) vicariously
(B) heedlessly
(C) innocuously
(D) mystically
(E) voluminously
8.Scientists have discovered that our sense of smell is surprisingly ------- , capable of distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.
Answer Choices
(A) rigid
(B) inert
(C) erratic
(D) keen
(E) innate
9.The novel's protagonist, a pearl diver, naïvely expects that the buyers will compete among themselves to pay him the best price for his pearl, but instead they ------- to ------- him.
Answer Choices
(A) venture . . reward
(B) pretend . . praise
(C) conspire . . reimburse
(D) refuse . . cheat
(E) collude . . swindle