The bombs used by Allied forces during World War II were so large, they weakened the Earth's upper atmosphere.
The air raids turned towns to rubble and ash, but now new research shows shockwaves could be felt up to 1,000 km above the UK.
Chris Scott, from the University of Reading said: "I was absolutely astonished when I found out. Each raid released the energy of at least 300 lightning strikes."
Researchers studied daily records kept at the Radio Research Centre in Slough, UK.

They looked at how the concentration of electrons changed in the upper atmosphere around the time of 152 Allied air raids in Europe -- including raids on Berlin and those in support of the Normandy landings.
The data showed the concentration of electrons fell significantly when a bomb was detonated, which in turn heated the upper atmosphere.
It is a layer of the Earth's atmosphere which can affect radio communications, GPS systems, radio telescopes and even some understanding of weather systems.
Chris Scott said: "This research is really important if we're going to understand the ionosphere as a whole. We know the ionosphere is controlled by solar activity but it varies much more than can currently be explained."