Default passwords such as "admin" and "password" will be illegal for electronics firms to use in California from 2020.
The state has passed a law that sets higher security standards for net-connected devices made or sold in the region.
It demands that each gadget be given a unique password when it is made.

Before now, easy-to-guess passwords have helped some cyber-attacks spread more quickly and cause more harm.
The Information Privacy: Connected Devices bill demands that electronics manufacturers equip their products with "reasonable" security features.
《信息隐私: 联网设备》法案要求电子设备制造商需给其产品配备“合理的”安全功能。
The bill also allows customers who suffer harm when a company ignores the law to sue for damages.
Many recent cyber-attacks have taken advantage of the default and easy-to-guess passwords on the devices found in millions of homes and offices.