Amazon Studios announced that it has acquired global television rights to the Lord of the Rings franchise, based on the best-selling novels by J.R.R. Tolkien.
The retail giant and streaming platform has been on the hot seat for its lack of a breakthrough hit.
The Amazon LOTR series will be produced in-house at Amazon Studios alongside the Tolkien Estate and Trust, publisher HarperCollins and Warner Bros. Entertainment's New Line Cinema.
据悉,系列电视剧《指环王》将由亚马逊工作室与托尔金遗产信托公司、哈珀柯林斯出版集团以及华纳兄弟旗下影业公司New Line Cinema联合制作。

Amazon's LOTR series will be set in Middle-earth and explore new storylines preceding Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring.
"The Lord of the Rings is a cultural phenomenon that has captured the imagination of generations of fans through literature and the big screen. We are honored to be working with the Tolkien Estate and Trust, HarperCollins and New Line on this exciting collaboration for television and are thrilled to be taking The Lord of the Rings fans on a new epic journey in Middle Earth."
“《指环王》是一种文化现象,其原著和电影激发了一代又一代粉丝的想象。我们很荣幸能与托尔金遗产信托公司、哈珀柯林斯出版集团以及New Line影业展开令人兴奋的电视剧合作,也很激动能够将《指环王》粉丝带入中土世界的一段史诗般的全新旅程。”
Amazon has yet to reveal a release date or who might feature in the TV adaptation.
Many fans of the books and films appeared sceptical about the news of a TV version. It could be good, but there's almost no chance of it being as good as the first 3 films.