Aside from a highly suspicious (and shady) night at a Katy Perry concert, all has been quiet on the Kim Kardashian vs. Taylor Swift front.
最近,除了水果姐(Katy Perry)演唱会引起各种可疑揣测,金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)和霉霉(Taylor Swift)一直相安无事。
But, of course, sleeping celebrity feuds don't lie, so the reality TV star essentially just set a match and watched it all burn behind her à la Angela Bassett in “Waiting To Exhale.”
但是明星之间的恩恩怨怨怎么可能会因此沉寂呢。真人秀明星卡戴珊又激起新的导火索,任其大火熊熊,简直是《待到梦醒时分 》(Waiting to Exhale )中安吉拉·贝塞特(Angela Bassett)本人。
The same day Swift revealed her cover for British Vogue, Kardashian threw it back on Instagram to husband Kanye West's highly controversial “Famous” music video. You know, the one where he placed nude wax figures of famous types like Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Rihanna and Chris Brown in bed together with himself and Kardashian.
当天霉霉为《英国时尚》(British Vogue)拍摄了封面,卡戴珊之后把丈夫坎耶·维斯特(Kanye West) 最具争议的MV《Famous》中的一张照片发到媒体Instagram上。这支MV里不乏霉霉、特朗普、蕾哈娜、克里斯·布朗等名人的裸体蜡像,蜡像被放在维斯特和卡戴珊躺着的床上。
The line in West's song ― “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex” ― set off the latest spat between Team Swift and Team Kanye when Swift said she “cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message.”
Kardashian later refuted Swift's account and backed it up with some damaging Snapchat receipts of a phone conversation between the rapper and the pop star, in which she wholeheartedly approves parts of the lyric.
Well, Swifties didn't take too kindly to Kim's Instagram shade and sounded the battle cry to swarm her comments with rat emojis.

Like, a lot of them, and even on Kardashian's other posts.
The strategy is similar to the one Kardashian’s fans have used to target Swift in the past, when they flooded her social media accounts with snakes. Remember, snakes eat rats for breakfast.
Swifties then retaliated with snakes of their own, which apparently prompted Kardashian to block the emoji from her Instagram.
The “Reputation” singer, of course, turned the attack into one of the driving themes of her new album, dressing up as the queen of snakes in the music video for the single “Look What You Made Me Do.”
霉霉在新专辑中传达了对此事的回击——身着蛇王装,在单曲《Look What You Made Me Do》中亮相。
So we fully expect Kardashian to do a sexy rat photoshoot any day now.