Christina, 29, has been with her serious boyfriend for several years. For most of their relationship, he's worked at a start-up - until the company went under four months ago. He still hasn't found a new job, and it's wearing on them both. They don't share an apartment, technically, but he stays at her place all the time (which is nicer, and doesn't have roommates), and she feels like he's basically living there rent-free. Whenever they go anywhere, she now pays for them both. She wants to be supportive, but she's starting to feel uncomfortable with it - and taken advantage of. She works for a marketing firm and, while her paycheck is steady, she's not made of money. Long-term, she can't keep this up. She knows he's trying, and she wants to help, but what if she's enabling him?
This could go one of two ways: It could be the catalyst for your breakup, or it could be the first major challenge that you and your boyfriend get through together. Neither will be fun or sexy. But the key for handling it with your head up (and minimizing further financial damage) is to focus on your own experience - and bank account - instead of worrying about whether he's mooching off you or not. "You can't prove if he's taking advantage of your finances, or you're enabling him by taking on more financial responsibilities," says Amanda Clayman, an L.A.-based financial therapist who has treated many couples in this position. "There won't be a productive conversation around that."

Instead, pay attention to when you're annoyed, and then tell him - carefully. "The only way to constructively and honestly deal with this is by sharing where you're at," explains Clayman. "Unspoken resentment is a dangerous thing in a relationship."
Of course, you need to be very strategic about this. Someone who already feels crappy about his joblessness won't react well to one of his major sources of stability telling him that her love is in fact conditional on him rejoining the workforce and ponying up for Seamless orders more often. "Saying that you feel taken advantage of might seem a little strong," says Clayman.