While men are still sowing their doddery wild oats into their seventies, much is made of the fact a woman has only a finite amount of years to conceive a baby.
Historically, women would have children much younger - often in their teens. Although the times have largely moved on, there's still an unpleasant pressure unique to women, and one which increases with age.
Women aged 35 and over are classed as 'geriatric mums' despite the fact they're still paying off their student loan and will never get on the housing ladder. We're not to take it personally, though - the terminology is to do with our biology. As we all know, your chances of conceiving a child lessen with age - but chances are you may be "readier" to have a child when you're a bit older.
It all begs the question, is there an optimum age to become a mum and, if there is, what is it? All the signs, the pressure and the constant discourse about fertility seem to point to "sooner rather than later." However, new research has discovered benefits which fly in the face of this conventional wisdom.

A new study conducted at the University of Southern California has found that having a baby after age 35 improves the mental abilities of the mother. A far cry from the "ye olde geriatric mum" sentence, it also ties with previous evidence that having a baby after this age can increase life expectancy.
830 postmenopausal women had several different tests performed on them as part of the research. These participants were tested on planning, visual perception, verbal memory, concentration, and attention.
Women who had their first baby after 24 performed better on mental acuity tests, problem solving, and verbal skills compared to those who became mothers between the ages of 15 and 24. Women who had their last baby after 35 had better verbal memory and cognition. This increased mental clarity is thought to be related to a surge in oestrogen and progesterone during pergnancy.