New relationships are initially based on a front - when you are in your best behaviour, looking your best and always having your best foot forward. So, when you do come across certain embarrassing moments with your partner, the nagging feeling starts at the back of the mind if you can get along with such a person for the rest of your life. The seed of doubt starts doing its job.
Here are some embarrassing moments that many couples come across.
1. Having a parent walk in when you and your partners are getting intimate.
1. 和另一半亲热的时候,父母走了进来。
By far the most scarring and embarrassing moment in your relationship would be having a parent walk in when you're getting 'handsy' with your partner. Finally finding some alone time with your partner and then having your parent walk in, or when your parent finds no better time to drop in or call for a favour than when you've finally taken out some time to spend some 'alone, private, away-from-the-world time' with your partner.

2. Burping, farting, snort coming out when sneezing for the first time in front of your partner.
2. 第一次在另一半面前打喷嚏时就打了个嗝、放了个屁或喷了口水。
All bodily sounds and fluids are normal and universal. But that doesn't stop the mortifying factor from surfacing in the instance of actually releasing the fluids and sounds in front of your partner for the first time! Especially if you both are relatively new to the relationship.
3. Embarrassing yourself in front of your 'To-be-in-laws'.
3. 在'未来公婆'面前丢脸。
As if it's not enough pressure to meet your significant other's parents for the first time, embarrassing yourself in front of them is literally just adding to that pressure! Legends are made up of women who have survived meets with in-laws and not embarrassed themselves by continuously talking, or fidgeting, or ending up blurting out embarrassing stories about your partner (their child) just to not look awkward or uncomfortable. Yup, these stories probably don't come under the 'Best Meeting with the In-Laws' category.
4.Your significant other seeing your messy or annoying side for the first time.
4. 另一半第一次看到你脏乱的一面。
We all have a messy side. Even those of us who would refer to ourselves as 'clean-freaks' has a secret messy side. Or an obsessive cleanliness side could be seen as an annoying side.