There’s nothing more frustrating that lying in bed unable to sleep. Stress, discomfort or worry can all prevent us dropping off, as can certain foods and drinks. There are top tips you can follow – eat early, eat light, and don’t drink too much fluid for a couple of hours before bed.
Aged and fermented cheese
Aged foods such as blue cheese, brie, feta, Cheddar and Parmesan contain an amino acid called tyramine, which boosts the secretion of the brain stimulant norepinephrine, causing wakefulness. Tyramine is also thought to be a culprit behind migraines. Pick a young cheese such as cottage cheese instead – it contains tryptophan, another amino acid but one that relaxes us and promotes sleep.
Yeast products
Yeast extracts, such as Vegemite or Marmite, or sourdough bread also contain high amounts of the amino acid tyramine, so are best avoided if you’re struggling to get to sleep.
Fermented sauces
As fermented foods such as soy sauce and fish sauce also have a high tyramine content, avoid these too close to bedtime too.
Up to 330mg of caffeine a day can have a positive effect, increasing alertness and concentration (one cup contains around 95mg). However, as it takes up to six hours for caffeine to leave the body if it’s drunk after 4pm it can cause sleeplessness. There’s also caffeine in tea (27mg a cup), decaffeinated coffee (up to 14mg) and certain medications. Drunk in the evening, these can have a deleterious effect on slumber not just because caffeine is a stimulant but because it has a diuretic effect.

Dark chocolate
According to Stephen T Beckett in The Science of Chocolate, dark chocolate contains around 44mg of caffeine per 100g, more than a can of cola (100g is the size of a large bar). It’s also rich in theobromine, another stimulant that quickens heart rate, and the plant chemical epicatechin, which widens blood vessels and has been found by researchers at London’s Kingston University to prolong energy in athletes. Overall, dark chocolate is an energy-inducing food that works against us winding down.