A team of US researchers have found that those who have a high genetic risk of cardiovascular disease can cut the probability of a heart attack in half by following a healthy lifestyle.
Carried out by a team from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the researchers looked at whether a healthy lifestyle could modify and reduce the genetic risk of heart disease by analyzing genetic and clinical data from more than 55,000 participants taken from four large-scale studies.
Three of the studies -- the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, the Women's Genome Health Study, and the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study -- are prospective studies that have followed participants for up to 20 years.
The fourth study included was the BioImage Study which assessed a variety of risk factors. Each participant was assigned a genetic risk score based on whether they carried any of 50 gene variants that previous studies had found were associated with an increased risk of a heart attack.
The team also gave the participants a lifestyle score based on four lifestyle factors -- no current smoking, a body mass index below 30, physical exercise at least once a week, and a healthy diet. A favorable lifestyle score was defined as following three or four of these health factors, intermediate was two factors and unfavorable was one or no healthy factors.

Across all three of the prospective studies, the researchers saw that a higher genetic risk score significantly increased the risk of heart disease, by as much as 90 percent in those at the highest risk. Risk factors such as a family history and a high level of LDL cholesterol were also associated with an elevated genetic risk score, although it was genetic risk that was the most powerful contributor to an increased probability of heart attack.
However the team also found that each healthy lifestyle factor reduced risk of heart disease, with the results showing that following a favorable lifestyle could reduce the incidence of coronary events by 50 percent, even in those with the highest genetic risk scores. And among the participants in the BioImage study, which looked at the levels of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries, healthy lifestyle factors were associated with less extensive plaque in each genetic risk group.