A girl in Kenya who was forced to marry a man old enough to be her grandfather when she was only nine years old has been freed after four years of hell.
Younis, 13, who is part of the Samburu tribe, was married off by her parents in accordance to tribal custom, which also includes female genital mutilation and offering girls to male relatives for sex. She was forced to live with the 78-year-old man for four years until she escaped and walked barefoot to a boarding school for girls called the Samburu Girls Foundation.
Explaining her harrowing and heartbreaking tale, Younis told CNN: 'When I was about nine years old, my father married me off to an old man who was 78 years old' 'He told me that I will be a wife but I was just innocent, I wanted to come to school. But that man wanted me to be a third wife. I told him, I will not be your wife, and he caned me.'
尤尼斯向CNN记者讲述了自己令人唏嘘的经历:“当我9岁的时候,我的父亲把我嫁给了一个78岁的男人。” “他告诉我,我将会成为他的妻子。但是我还小,我只想去学校读书。但是那个男人让我做他的妻子,我说我不愿意,他就用拐杖打我。”
Luckily for Younis and around 200 other girls across Kenya, the Samburu Girls Foundation offered her a way out.

She said: 'I heard that there is a woman who helps children. 'I came from Baragoi barefoot, I didn't even have shoes that day. I came to Maralal. Kulea took me to the children's office, she rescued me.'
Run by Josephine Kulea, the foundation takes in girls who have been disowned by their families and helps them deal with the trauma of forced genital mutilation or any other horrific events they have suffered.
Josephine, who is also part of the Samburu tribe, said: 'I realised we are the only ones doing FGM, female genital mutilation, the other communities are not doing it.
'I came to realise that there are things that are not right and I need to make a difference, that's how I started rescuing girls.'
Early marriage is illegal in Kenya but Josephine explained that people within the Samburu community were not pleased that she was rescuing girls from forced unions.
She said: 'Growing up from this community, everyone looks at me like, 'You should be like us, you should not be fighting us. 'It's a risk for me but I still give it a go.'
她说:'在这种群体中长大,所有人都觉得我应该像他们一样,而不是对抗他们。' '这对于我来说是一场冒险,但是我必须要尝试。'
While Younis' story is shocking unfortunately it is not a rare one. Josephine's first rescue was one that involved members of her own family.
She said: 'My first rescue was my two cousins. One was 10 years old and she was the one getting married; most of the time in my community, when the girl is getting married young, that is when they undergo female circumcision.
'I was alerted that she was going to get married, so I went and rescued her, and after I rescued her I took her to school. 'Two days later I get a call and I'm told there was a wedding in that village, and I'm like, 'I have the girl, so who got married?' They said it was the little sister who was seven years old - they replaced her because the cows were here and any girl had to go.'
'所以,我觉察到她可能要结婚了。所以我把她就出来,带到了学校。' '两天后,我听说村里要举行婚礼。我想我把女孩都带走了,你跟谁结婚呢?结果发现是我另外一个7岁的表妹。他们把她作为替补,原因是牛都收了,随便嫁一个女儿就行。'
Beading is also another tribal custom Kulea and her team are fighting to rescue girls from.
The tradition involves girls being bought by members of the same clan for sex before they are married. The more beads a girl has around her neck the more it will cost the man.
Josephine explained how she was in contact with worried Samburu mothers who want to protect their daughters from being beaded, one of whom was only seven years old.
Despite so much suffering, Josephine is optimistic about the future, she said: ' There is hope. And I know when we take more kids to school in future there will be a difference in my community.'