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亚马孙森林砍伐与全球干旱 Deforestation and Drought

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LIKE California, much of Brazil is gripped by one of the worst droughts in its history. Huge reservoirs are bone dry and water has been rationed in SPaulo, a megacity of 20 million people; in Rio; and in many other places.


Drought is usually thought of as a natural disaster beyond human control. But as researchers peer deeper into the Earths changing bioclimatethe vastly complex global interplay between living organisms and climatic forcesthey are better appreciating the crucial role that deforestation plays.


Cutting down forests releases stored carbon dioxide, which traps heat and contributes to atmospheric warming. But forests also affect climate in other ways, by absorbing more solar energy than grasslands, for example, or releasing vast amounts of water vapor. Many experts believe that deforestation is taking place on such a large scale, especially in South America, that it has already significantly altered the worlds climateeven though its dynamics are not well understood.


A lot of people are scrambling to make observations in the Amazon this year, with the expected big El Nicoming,” said Abigail L. S. Swann, an eco-climatologist at the University of Washington. “Its expected to drive significant drought over the Amazon, which will change how much water trees have available.”

“由于预计大厄尔尼诺现象的到来,很多人今年都争着到亚马孙进行观察,”华盛顿大学的生态气候学家阿比盖尔·L·S·斯万(Abigail L. S. Swann)说,“厄尔尼诺现象预计将导致亚马孙地区明显的干旱,这将改变可以供应林木的水量。”

Humans have long settled in places where there is adequate and predictable precipitation, and large forests play a crucial role in generating dependable amounts of rainfall. Trees take up moisture from the soil and transpire it, lifting it into the atmosphere. A fully grown tree releases 1,000 liters of water vapor a day into the atmosphere: The entire Amazon rain forest sends up 20 billion tons a day.


The water vapor creates clouds, which are seeded with volatile gases like terpenes and isoprene, emitted by the trees naturally, to form rain. These water-rich banks of clouds travel long, wind-driven distances, a conveyor belt for the delivery of precipitation that scientists call flying rivers.


The sky-borne river over the Amazon carries more water than the Amazon River itself. It begins as moisture that builds over the Atlantic Ocean, and then flows westward over the emerald crown of the Amazon, where it picks up far more moisture. The laden clouds eventually bump up against the Andes and are steered south and then east, which means rain for Bolivia and Brazil.


One way forests may move water is known asbiotic pumping.” As water transpires into the atmosphere above the forest, the theory holds, it creates a low-pressure system that sucks in air surrounding it, eventually and continually pumping moisture inland from the ocean. Cutting down forests degrades these low-pressure systems, essentially turning off the pump. Large-scale deforestation is thus believed to be a major contributor to the extreme drought in Brazil.


Scientists have long known that vegetation has a profound effect on weather. In 1907, officials built a 2,000-mile-long fence across Australia to keep invasive rabbits from crossing from the wild outback into farms. On the side with native vegetation, rain clouds formed in the sky above, but the farm-field skies were clear. Thebunny-fence experimentscharted a decline in rainfall of 20 percent on the cultivated side. Researchers are still trying to explain why, but the leading theory is that the darker native plants absorb more heat and release it into the atmosphere, along with energy and water vapor to form clouds.


Todays researchers mainly rely on computer modeling to understand the effects of deforestation, a difficult task because there are so many complex pathways through which trees control climate: precipitation, carbon storage, large clouds of complex chemical emissions and absorption of the suns energy.


This area is a frontier,” said David Schimel, an eco-climatologist at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the author ofClimate and Ecosystems,” “but a frontier because its difficult, not because its neglected.”

“这是一个边缘领域,”美国航空航天局喷气推进实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)的生态气候学家、《气候和生态系统》(Climate and Ecosystems)一书的作者大卫·希米尔(David Schimel)说。“但主要是因为这个领域很困难,而不是因为无人关注。”

In the last year alone some 2,000 square miles of the Amazonroughly the size of Delawarewere lost to clearing, largely for planting soybeans and raising cattle. A growing number of scientists are warning that wide-scale deforestationabout 20 percent of the Amazon forest is gone already and nearly that much is degradedmay already be directing precipitation away from places long accustomed to it.


One Princeton study suggested that deforesting the Amazon could potentially contribute to drought in places as far away as California, while other research indicated that recent droughts in Texas and New Mexico might be linked to cutting in the Amazon. Despite the uncertainty embedded in these and other studies, “Theres lots of evidence that changing the water cycle in the Amazon would have global consequences,” Dr. Schimel said. “Its a fairly robust notion.”


AND its impact could potentially accelerate. In a recent report, Antonio Donato Nobre, a veteran climatologist with Brazils National Institute for Space Research, warned that if just 40 percent of the Amazon region is deforested there could be an abrupt large-scale shift to grasslands, which could substantially alter global weather patternsand cause a breakdown of the current climate system.” If deforestation continues, he has said, SPaulo will most likelydry up.”

而且,其影响可能会加速呈现。在近期的一份报告中,安东尼奥·多纳托·诺步雷(Antonio Donato Nobre)警告说,如果亚马孙地区被砍伐的森林达到40%,该区可能突然出现大片区域退化为草地的情况,这可能给全球的天气规律造成巨大改变,“并使得现在的气候系统崩溃。”诺布雷和巴西国家空间研究所(National Institute for Space Research)合作,常年从事气候学研究。他还说,如果滥砍滥伐持续下去,圣保罗极有可能“干涸”。

In the broadest sense, scientists say, forests represent a kind of ecological infrastructure that helps maintain comfortable living conditions on the planet, whether by taking up and holding carbon dioxide, cleaning water through their roots, preventing floods by stabilizing soilor, in this case, by regulating climate.


Dr. Nobre and other climate experts are urging an immediate halt to deforestation, as well as large-scale planting of new forests, as a way to essentially nurse the Amazon back to full health and stabilize its pivotal role in climate.


Gordon Bonan, a scientist at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., and the author ofEcological Climatology,” said reducing deforestation and replanting forests should be priorities not just in Brazil but in North America and beyond for many reasons, including the health of climate systems. “The pace of change is far outpacing our understanding of what the change is doing,” he said, “and by the time we do understand its probably going to be too late.”

戈登·伯南(Gordon Bonan)是一名就职于科罗拉多州博尔德的美国大学大气研究联合会(University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)的科学家,出版过《生态气候学》(Ecological Climatology)一书。他认为应当把减少滥砍滥伐和进行森林再植作为第一要务,这不仅是对巴西而言,对整个北美都是如此。气候系统的健康是众多的原因之一。“变化的速度已远远超过我们对变化本身的理解,”他说,“而等到我们真正理解的时候,很可能为时已晚。”

While it is true that vast tree planting, which reroutes groundwater on a huge scale and absorbs far more energy than an unforested landscape, can have complex and potentially negative effects, “On balance,” if done properly, “its a positive strategy for climate change,” he added.


Some people arent waiting for further research and are hoping to geoengineer local climates with new forests. Bishop Fredrick Shoo, the bishop elect of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, has been planting trees with 100,000 of his parishioners upwind of Mount Kilimanjaro for 12 years, in hopes of cooling the hot, dry winds that are melting the mountains glaciers. During that time, he estimates, they have planted 3.7 million trees.

有的人已经不再等待更多的研究,而希望通过再植森林人为改造当地气候。坦桑尼亚福音信义会(Evangelical Lutheran Church)的当选主教弗雷德里克·休(Fredrick Shoo)已经和10万教民沿乞力马扎罗山植树12年,吹经此地的风炽热而干燥,会融化山上的冰川,他们希望此举能降低风的温度。他估计在这段时间里,他们大概种植了370万棵树。

My hope is well be able to restore the forests of Kilimanjaro and save the water sources of Kilimanjaro,” said Bishop Shoo, known as the tree bishop. “We have a moral obligation to take care of creation and to be sure coming generations have a good place to live.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
accelerate [æk'seləreit]


vt. 加速,提前,跳级
vi. 加速

crucial ['kru:ʃəl]


adj. 关键的,决定性的

invasive [in'veisiv]


adj. 侵略性的;攻击性的

corporation [.kɔ:pə'reiʃən]


n. 公司,法人,集团

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

delivery [di'livəri]


n. 递送,交付,分娩

deforestation [.di:fɔris'teiʃən]


n. 森林开伐,滥伐森林

stabilize ['steibilaiz]


v. 使安定,使坚固

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负





