5.The Tribe Of Giant Snake Victims
In 1962, anthropologist Thomas Headland moved to Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines, setting up camp with the Agta people. While moviegoers watched Lawrence of Arabia, Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, and the world focused on the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Agta were living like ancient hunter-gatherers in the Filipino rainforests.
Thomas Headland)来到吕宋岛——菲律宾最大的岛屿,与阿格塔人(
Lawrence of Arabia),蕾切尔·卡森(
Rachel Carson)出版了《寂静的春天》(
Silent Spring),世界聚焦于古巴导弹危机,阿格塔人却像远古那样,在菲律宾热带雨林里过着狩猎、采集的生活。

They were also at war with the local snake population. A quarter of the men had been attacked by reticulated pythons. The longest snake in the world, this creature can grow to over 7 meters (23 ft) and can weigh over 75 kilograms (165 lb). Compare that to the average Agta, who stands less than 150 centimeters (5′) and rarely weighs as much as an American 13-year-old. Since they were small, lived in the jungle, and competed with pythons over food, the Agta often came to blows with these giant snakes. Out of 120 interviewees, Headland found 26 percent of the men had encountered angry pythons, and many bore the scars to back up their claims. Between the 1940s and 1970s, six people were killed by these snakes, including two kids who were gobbled up on the same night.The Agta didn't just sit back and let these serpents slither all over them. Every single man had killed at least one python in his life—or so each claimed, at least. The men regularly went around armed with guns and machetes. The father of the kids who were eaten stabbed the python responsible to death.There aren't as many "man vs. snake" battles on Luzon today. Thanks to encroaching modernization, the Agta have largely given up their old way of life. Since they're no longer living in the middle of snake country, the attack rates have dropped dramatically. But the reticulated pythons are still out there, hunting in the jungle, so if you ever visit Luzon, stick to the cities.

While the Agta people weren't fond of snakes, things are totally different in Ban Kok Sa Nga. Located in northeastern Thailand, this community takes its passion for serpents to a dangerous extreme.
尽管阿格塔人不喜欢蛇,事情在Ban Kok Sa Nga却截然不同。这个村庄位于泰国东北部,人们对蛇的热情发展到了接近危险的极限。
This reptilian love affair started back in the 1950s when a doctor wanted to put his sleepy little town on the map. This physician convinced everyone in town to breed snakes and put on cobra shows.If you visit Ban Kok Sa Nga today, you'll find around 140 houses, and outside almost every home, you'll notice at least one wooden crate. Open up that box, and you'll find something long, legless, and in a bad mood. Ban Kok Sa Nga is full of all sorts of cobras and constrictors, some of whom star in the village's serpentine circus. During a performance, visitors might witness a cobra boxing match where handlers tease the snakes, kick at their heads, and dodge their bites. They might even see someone shove a cobra in their mouth.Despite their rough treatment, the folks at Ban Kok Sa Nga really love their snakes. In fact, they breed more cobras than needed for the show simply because they like them as pets. Snakes are such a way of life that children are taught to handle them from a young age, and whenever a cobra dies, its owners make an offering for the snake at the local temple. These irresponsible relationships often lead to accidents. One septuagenarian handler, Bualee Chai, has been bitten at least 21 times. But while he's missing a few fingers, he's pulled through each time thanks to an herb known as wan paya ngoo.
Bualee Chai,至少被咬过21次。但是,尽管他丢掉了几个手指,他每次度过难关都受益于一种叫做
Wan paya ngoo的草药。

They say war is hell. That applies doubly when snakes are involved. While bullets and bombs do far more damage, serpents are excellent psychological weapons. Nobody wants to end up with a pair of fangs in their foot.
Perhaps the most famous example of reptilian tactics took place during the Vietnam War, down in the Cu Chi tunnels. Spanning over 240 kilometers (150 mi), this underground labyrinth let the Viet Cong travel undetected by enemy helicopters. But while they were safe from aerial attack, they had to worry about gutsy American troops ("tunnel rats") who'd crawl through the dark in search of the enemy. To make things difficult for their foreign foes, the Viet Cong loaded the tunnels with bamboo vipers.These serpents were nicknamed "one-step" or "two-step" snakes because, if you were bitten, that's how many steps you'd take before you dropped over dead. These vipers were placed inside hollowed-out bamboo sticks, so when a tunnel rat knocked one over, the snake would slither out and strike at his face. While death by snakebite was extremely rare during the Vietnam War, these traps definitely kept the Americans in a constant state of fear.Snake warfare goes back further than ‘Nam. While he's best known for his army of elephants, the famed general Hannibal used the creatures to inflict pain and suffering on his enemies. In 190 B.C., the Carthaginian commander was battling King Eumenes II of Pergamum. Their navies were duking it out when Hannibal launched pots full of snakes at the Pergamese ships. Historians guess these scaly missiles were probably horned vipers, animals whose venom can cause hemorrhaging, vomiting, and necrosis. Whatever they were, the snakes freaked out the Pergamese sailors, allowing Hannibal's men to board their vessels and win the day.
2.The Snake With A Clawed Foot

Dean Qiongxiu woke up one night to find a snake on her bedroom wall, and this snake had a clawed foot sticking out of its side. The 66-year-old Chinese woman grabbed a shoe and beat the monster to death. She then shoved it in a jar and sent it to the West Normal University in Nanchang, China.
段琼秀(Dean Qiongxiu)一天晚上醒来,发现卧室墙上有一条蛇,这条蛇还有一只爪子一样的脚,伸在身体外面。这位66岁的中国妇女抓起一只鞋子,猛打这个怪兽,把它打死了。随后她把它放进一个广口瓶,送到南昌的西华师范大学。
Scientists were quite surprised, describing the one-footed snake as "truly shocking." Researchers planned to conduct an autopsy to discover if the leg was genuine, but the results were not made public. So was the snake some sort of mutant? Was it a practical joke? Or perhaps an unlucky lizard was punching its way out of the serpent's stomach?While we don't know the answer, snakes can indeed grow legs under the right circumstances. In fact, all of these fork-tongued reptiles once scurried around on scaly feet, as evidenced by the remains of hips and limbs on their skeletons. The trick lies in the Hox genes, regulatory genes that turn other genes off and on. Originally, Hox genes encouraged the growth of limbs in snakes, but over time, their job description changed to stopping legs from sprouting. With a few modifications, the Hox genes could be reversed, letting serpents crawl around like dragons. Such a reversal would need some sort of outside agent—like pollution, for which China is notorious. So perhaps Qiongxiu's snake really did grow a foot, and perhaps someday all snakes will regain their limbs. Thanks, China!
1.The Viper That'll Turn You Into A Kid

Ever wished you could be a kid again? If you visit Southeast Asia, your dream might come true. The region is home to the Russell's Pit Viper, a snake responsible for thousands of deaths each year. All it takes is 40–70 milligrams of venom, and your blood will turn into thick, viscous goo. After that, you'll probably end up as a statistic, but if you're one of the lucky survivors, you might become the next Benjamin Button.
有没有希望过自己能再做一次小孩?如果你去东南亚看看,你的梦想可能成真。这个地区是响尾蛇科毒蛇(Russell's Pit Viper)的故乡,这种蛇每年会夺走几千人的生命。它只花费40~70毫克毒液,你的血液就会变成浓稠的黏性物质。然后,你多半成为一个统计数据,但如果你属于幸存者之一,你可能成为下一个本杰明·巴顿。
In addition to changing your blood into strawberry jam, the venom of a Russell's Pit Viper causes lots of internal bleeding. You suffer a hemorrhage in the pituitary gland, the part of your body in charge of hormone production. Among other things, it controls your thyroid activity, your body temperature, and the production of sex hormones. Once the toxin strikes, the pituitary gland shuts down. You then turn into a prepubescent child. About 29 percent of pit viper victims suffer from hypopituitarism, a condition that causes patients to lose their sex drive and fertility. It also causes body hair to disappear, male muscles to vanish, and female curves to fade away. Some folks even lose control of basic mental functions. They become little kids. If hormone replacement therapy doesn't help, at least they'll have a good excuse to play with Legos again. Isn't that what we all really want?