5.Mudskippers Can Climbs Trees
There's a famous quote attributed to Einstein: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." If you search Google for "Einstein fish tree," you'll find thousands of motivational posters with Einstein's face and the quote included, even though he never said it.

Should you come across any of your friends sharing one of those pictures, feel free to show them this video of a fish climbing a tree. That genius of the fish world is the mudskipper, a fish that spends much of its life out of the water. It lives in areas filled with mangrove trees, and is quite happy to pull itself up a log or branch. It uses its pelvic fins as a sort of suction cup to keep it attached, and pulls itself up with its pectoral fins.Mudskippers have developed small sacks around their gills that let them hold a breath of water, much the same way we would hold a breath of air. They climb trees so they can stay out of the water during high tide.
4.Archerfish Shoot Down Prey

Despite what Hollywood may have taught you, talented archers aren't all rebellious young women or Jeremy Renner. The archerfish is small tropical fish that feasts mainly on insects. It gets its name from the astonishing way it catches its prey. The fish, which are typically no more than 10 centimeters (4 in) long, can shoot a jet of water up to 2 meters (6 ft) at insects hanging on vegetation near the water.
除了好莱坞可能展现给你的东西,有才能的弓箭手并不都是反叛的年轻女人或者杰瑞米•雷纳(Jeremy Renner)。射水鱼是小型热带鱼,主要以昆虫为食。它的名称来自它惊人的捕食方式。这些鱼一般不超过10厘米(4英寸)长,却可以射出高达2米(6英尺)的水柱,捕捉挂在水面附近枝头上的昆虫。
They're able to accurately hit their small targets, in the dark, with enough force to successfully knock them into the water. They produce the jets by pressing their tongue against a groove in the roof of their mouth, much like the barrel of a gun. The speed of the water leaving their mouth increases throughout the spit. That allows all of the water to arrive at the same time, and hit the prey with six times the force the fish could produce with just the force of its muscles.
3.The Teddy Bear Crab Makes Living Weapons

The teddy bear crab is a small crustacean covered in bushy, white bristles. While a furry crab is curious enough, the species Polydectus cupulifer also has an unusual behavior. It picks up stinging anemones, one in each claw, and wields them as weapons. The crab doesn't just stand there looking like a miniature yeti with red pain-pompoms, though. It can tell which anemones are useful, and turns the anemone around so it can grip it from the right angle. Then, the crab is able to strike with just the right part of its weapon.
泰迪型螃蟹是小型甲壳纲动物,外面覆盖着浓密的的白色毛发。长毛的螃蟹十足奇怪,而"Polydectus cupulifer"这种螃蟹也有异乎寻常的行为。它们捕捉蜇人的海葵,一个钳子一只,然后拿它们当武器。然而,这些螃蟹也不只是像微缩的喜马拉雅雪怪那样站着,戴一副红色会蜇人的装饰球。它们能分辨那些有用的海葵,将海葵朝四方转动,以便从合适的角度抓住它。然后,螃蟹能用武器的适当部位进攻。
The anemone isn't just something to attack predators with, either—it's also a food source. The crab will happily collect food from its "companions," even going so far as to reach inside the anemone's digestive system to pull out anything the anemone has already eaten.
2.The Pirate Perch Hides In Plain Sight

The pirate perch is an unusual fish. When it's young its anus is located in the normal place you'd expect to find an anus, but as it matures, its anus moves to just underneath its chin. Yet it's not the migrating anus that warranted it a place on this list. And as if we haven't said the word anus enough in this paragraph already, we'd like to point out that the species name is A. sayanus.
Scientists investigating the response of beetles and frogs to predatory fish have found that the pirate perch has another unique feature. When they gave beetles and frogs a choice of ponds in which to live and reproduce, the animals avoided those that contained fish who were likely to choose them for dinner, with one exception. The potential prey were perfectly happy to set up home in ponds containing pirate perch.The researchers aren't sure whether the pirate perch is cloaking its chemical signature or disguising itself as something else, or if there's some other factor at play. Whatever is going on, the pirate perch is able to hide its presence in a way that other fish simply can't, making it uniquely talented.
1.The Tigerfish Plucks Birds From The Air

The tiger is a deadly predator with very sharp teeth that you'd very much like to keep away from your face. In that way, the tigerfish is suitably named. This African fish is often compared to the piranha, as it's aggressive and uses its razor-filled jaws to tear its prey into pieces. Unlike the piranha, there is a giant variety of tigerfish—the goliath tigerfish—which can grow to weigh 50 kg (110 lb) and eat crocodiles.
Yet it's the hunting ability of the smaller variety that's got it a spot on this list. Recently, researchers have recorded its ability to catch birds. While many fish are known to eat birds floating on the surface, a tigerfish in a South African lake was caught on film leaping out of the water and catching a swallow while the bird was flying through the air.While nobody has yet observed the goliath tigerfish displaying this behavior, we're probably going to avoid helicopter rides over African lakes for awhile, just in case.