Artwork for a spring-operated grasping fork invented by Roswell B. Turner in 1882. The fork is designed to grasp difficult to retrieve food items. Take that lone pea!
1882年,由Roswell B. Turner 发明的一个弹簧夹叉子。这个叉子用来抓取一些难以抓取的食物。抓起那颗豌豆!
Edmond Dennis patent filed in 1913 that allows two people to climb at opposite ends of a ladder suspended in mid-air. The shoe attachment grips to each rung of the ladder using U-shaped hooks
1913年Edmond Dennis 的专利档案,可以让两个人在悬在半空中的梯子的对立两端攀爬。这双鞋子通过使用U型钩子抓附在梯子的横木上。
Charles McIntosh's 1883 patent to allow a person to escape a burning building. The device consists of eye goggles, nose pinchers, head straps and a mouth piece (which I would presume isn't a harmonica or kazoo).
Charles McIntosh 1883年的一项专利,可以让人逃离火灾建筑。这套装置由一副护目镜,鼻夹,头带和一个封口部件(凭个人推断这肯定不是个口琴或者卡祖笛)。