A group of leading financial executives have urged authorities around the world to bolster their crisis-busting arsenals amid fears that ultra-low interest rates have increased the risks of financial instability.
The heads of companies including HSBC, UBS and BlackRock will on Monday release a joint statement backing the use of macroprudential tools, but warn that rules, if too narrowly applied, could push risks into the more thinly regulated realm of shadow banks.

Macroprudential tools are used to guard against emerging dangers such as overvalued property assets, in theory reducing the need for authorities to raise interest rates to rein in investor exuberance. Among the most developed are counter-cyclical capital requirements on banks and caps on the amount of debt customers can borrow relative to their incomes.
Authorities in countries ranging from the UK and Switzerland to Israel and Hong Kong have been making greater use of these regulatory levers to curb rising asset values, especially in the housing market.
Some analysts are warning of exuberance building up in parts of the global markets following the long period of ultra-low rates that resulted from the Great Recession. This month, Janet Yellen, Federal Reserve chairwoman, said that share prices were “quite high” and that there was a risk of a sharp jump in longer-term bond yields, while arguing that overall financial risks were contained.
目前,部分分析师正就全球市场部分地区的投资热情提出警告。这些不断积累的投资热情源自此前大衰退导致的长期超低利率。就在本月,美联储(Fed)主席珍妮特?耶伦(Janet Yellen)曾表示股价已经“相当高”,市场中存在较长期债券的收益率急剧上升的风险,不过她仍辩称总体金融风险依然可控。
The statement from finance chiefs including Douglas Flint, HSBC chairman, Anshu Jain, Deutsche Bank co-chief executive, Michel Liès, head of Swiss Re, and Larry Fink, chairman and chief executive of BlackRock, is being co-ordinated by the World Economic Forum. It says the inclusion of macroprudential policies in policy makers’ tool kits “helps to address emerging market inefficiencies in the financial system, such as over-exuberance within asset classes, for example in real estate lending”.
发出这份声明的金融高管包括汇丰银行董事长范智廉(Douglas Flint)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)联席首席执行官安舒?贾恩(Anshu Jain)、瑞士再保险(Swiss Re)负责人李伟思(Michel Liès)、以及贝莱德董事长兼首席执行官拉里?芬克(Larry Fink)。该声明的发出,是由世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)组织的。该声明表示,决策者将宏观审慎政策纳入其政策工具箱,“有助于应对金融系统中正在出现的市场失效情况,比如某些资产类别(比如房地产借贷)过热的情况。”
In the words of Mr Flint, the policies have the capacity to “lean against something that is making people feel good but is actually going to give them a hangover they will find difficult to cope with”.