More than $100bn of spending on new projects by the world’s energy companies has been slowed, postponed or axed following the oil price plunge, evidence of the drastic industry action that will curb output in coming years.
Companies including Royal Dutch Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips and Statoil have led moves to curtail capital spending on 26 major projects worldwide, according to analysis commissioned for the Financial Times.
英国《金融时报》委托进行的分析表明,包括荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)、英国石油(BP)、康菲石油(ConocoPhillips)和挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)在内的公司率先采取行动,缩减在全球各地的26个重大项目上的投资。

The delays and cancellations, many disclosed quietly in recent weeks and months, come amid a wider retrenchment by the industry that has seen thousands lose their jobs and led to a slowdown in the US shale boom.
The research by consultancy Rystad Energy shows that producers have targeted some of the highest cost areas, with nine Canadian oil sands projects delayed, each ranging from $1bn-$10bn in planned expenditure. “The particular area that is suffering is western Canada,” said Alastair Syme, energy analyst at Citigroup. “It is one area of the world outside US shale where companies are actually stopping investment in train.”
咨询公司Rystad Energy进行的研究显示,生产商将目标对准一些成本最高的领域,加拿大9个油砂项目被推迟,其中每个项目的计划支出在10亿美元至100美元之间。花旗集团(Citigroup)能源分析师阿拉斯泰尔•赛姆(Alastair Syme)表示:“尤其受影响的是加拿大西部地区。这是除了美国页岩以外企业停止投资的一个地区。”
After reaching $115 a barrel last June, the price of oil plummeted to a low of $45 in January, as surging output of US shale oil and softening demand in Asia stoked a glut in the market. The decline accelerated after Opec, led by Saudi Arabia, decided not to cut production to support prices. Crude has since rebounded to about $66.
While the $118bn in total expenditure affected would be spread over several years, the impact of deferring investment on such projects would be to delay future production, with as much as 1.5m barrels a day — nearly 2 per cent of global oil output in 2013 — to come two years later than planned, said Rystad. The data focused only on projects with reserves of at least 50m barrels of oil equivalent.
Rystad Energy表示,尽管总计1180亿美元的支出削减本来就将分布于数年期间,但延迟此类项目的投资将导致未来开采延迟,计划增加的150万桶日产量(占到2013年全球石油产量的近2%)将会推迟两年实现。该数据聚焦于拥有至少5000万桶石油当量储量的项目。
The project deferrals already announced could be just the start of a big wave of delays. Goldman Sachs has identified 61 new projects, more than half awaiting final approval, as uneconomic at an oil price of $60 a barrel, putting more than $750bn of capital expenditure and 10.5m barrels a day of peak production at risk.
虽然已经有项目被宣布延期,但接下来可能还会有更多项目被延迟。高盛(Goldman Sachs)认为在油价处于每桶60美元的时候,61个新项目(逾一半仍在等待最后审批)是不经济的,这让逾7500亿美元的资本支出和每日1050万桶的峰值产量面临风险。
Goldman’s Michele della Vigna said 17 countries, including Angola, Nigeria, Australia and Algeria, were likely to see investment in projects fall by more than 50 per cent between now and 2020, assuming prices stayed low.
高盛的米歇尔•德拉•维尼亚(Michele della Vigna)表示,假设从现在起到2020年油价一直保持低位的话,安哥拉、尼日利亚、澳大利亚和阿尔及利亚等17个国家的项目投资可能减少逾50%。