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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第4章(9)

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Well, the supernatural brigade certainly seems to be out in force here today… burbled a radio happily to itself.“嗯,看来超自然组织的成员今天在这里出动了……”广播里一个愉快的声音东拉西扯地说。
What I need, shouted Ford, by way of clarifying his previous remarks, is a strong drink and a peer-group. He continued to run, pausing only for a moment to grab Arthur’s arm and drag him along with him. Arthur had adopted his normal crisis role, which was to stand with his mouth hanging open and let it all wash over him.“我需要的,”福特为他之前所说的作着补充,“是够劲儿的酒和同龄的伙伴!”他继续跑着,中间停了一下,抓住阿瑟的手臂,拉他一起跑。阿瑟已经切换到他在危机时的状态,即嘴巴大张,让一切都在他身边飞逝。
They’re playing cricket, muttered Arthur, stumbling along after Ford. I swear they are playing cricket. I do not know why they are doing this, but that is what they are doing. They’re not just killing people, they’re sending them up, he shouted, Ford, they’re sending us up!“他们在打板球。”阿瑟在福特身后踉踉跄跄,口中喃喃自语,“我发誓他们在打板球,我不知道他们为什么这么做,但他们就是在打。他们不只是在杀人,他们还在模仿人类!”他的大叫起来,“福特,他们在模仿我们!”
It would have been hard to disbelieve this without knowing a great deal more Galactic history than Arthur had so far managed to pick up in his travels. The ghostly but violent shapes that could be seen moving within the thick pall of smoke seemed to be performing a series of bizarre parodies of batting strokes, the difference being that every ball they struck with their bats exploded wherever it landed. The very first one of these had dispelled Arthur’s initial reaction, that the whole thing might just be a publicity stunt by Australian margarine manufacturers.如果我们比阿瑟多懂点银河系历史(要比他至今从旅行里了解到的多得多才行),我们就不难理解现在这一切了。这些在烟幕中时隐时现的、可怕的施暴者,似乎在表演一出古怪的戏仿节目,模仿的正是挥拍振拍的动作。与普通打球不同的是,他们往哪挥拍,哪儿就爆炸。阿瑟看到这些的第一反应是:也许这只是澳洲专业人员搞的一次大型特技表演罢了。
And then, as suddenly as it had all started, it was over. The eleven white robots ascended through the seething cloud in a tight formation, and with a few last flashes of flame entered the bowels of their hovering white ship, which, with the noise of a hundred thousand people saying “foop”, promptly vanished into the thin air out of which it had wopped.然后,一切突然之间结束,正如它突然之间开始。十一个白色机器人整整齐齐排成一队,升上了翻滚的云朵里。当最后一点火光收进那艘悬浮的白色飞船,它发出一声好象成百上千人同时说“呼”的声音。随后,敏捷地消失在它刚才“喔”出来的空气中。
For a moment there was a terrible stunned silence, and then out of the drifting smoke emerged the pale figure of Slartibartfast looking even more like Moses because in spite of the continued absence of the mountain he was at least now striding across a fiery and smoking well-mown lawn.一时间到处一片死寂。之后,从渐渐飘散的烟雾里,司拉提巴特法斯特面色苍白地走出来。他看起来更像摩西了——虽然还是没有山,不过至少,这片修剪好的草坪现在也在冒烟了。
He stared wildly about him until he saw the hurrying figures of Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect forcing their way through the frightened crowd which was for the moment busy stampeding in the opposite direction. The crowd was clearly thinking to itself about what an unusual day this was turning out to be, and not really knowing which way, if any, to turn.老人慌乱地环顾四周,找到两个匆忙的身影——是阿瑟和福特,他们正奋力穿过朝着反方向逃命的惊恐的人群。人群显然觉得,今天是多么反常的一天啊,简直(他们不知要如何形容),简直了。
Slartibartfast was gesturing urgently at Ford and Arthur and shouting at them, as the three of them gradually converged on his ship, still parked behind the sight-screens and still apparently unnoticed by the crowd stampeding past it who presumably had enough of their own problems to cope with at that time.司拉提巴特法斯朝福特和阿瑟急促地做着手势,一边喊着什么。三人越来越靠近飞船,飞船依然停在助视屏后面,很明显,依然没有被逃命的人群瞧见。他们自然得先忙着处理自己的问题。
They’ve garble warble farble! shouted Slartibartfast in his thin tremulous voice.“他们拿大威大威去威!”司拉提巴特法斯的声音颤抖着尖声叫道。
What did he say? panted Ford as he elbowed his way onwards.“他说什么?”福特一边用手肘努力开路,一边气喘吁吁地问。
Arthur shook his head.阿瑟摇摇头。
“They’ve…” something or other, he said.“他们……什么什么。”他说。
They’ve table warble farble! shouted Slartibartfast again.“他们涨大那大威去威!”司拉提巴特法斯又叫道。
Ford and Arthur shook their heads at each other.福特和阿瑟相视摇头。
It sounds urgent, said Arthur. He stopped and shouted.“听上去挺紧急。“阿瑟说。他停下来向司拉提巴特法斯喊道:

Well, the supernatural brigade certainly seems to be out in force here todayburbled a radio happily to itself.
What I need, shouted Ford, by way of clarifying his previous remarks, is a strong drink and a peer-group. He continued to run, pausing only for a moment to grab Arthurs arm and drag him along with him. Arthur had adopted his normal crisis role, which was to stand with his mouth hanging open and let it all wash over him.
Theyre playing cricket, muttered Arthur, stumbling along after Ford. I swear they are playing cricket. I do not know why they are doing this, but that is what they are doing. Theyre not just killing people, theyre sending them up, he shouted, Ford, theyre sending us up!
It would have been hard to disbelieve this without knowing a great deal more Galactic history than Arthur had so far managed to pick up in his travels. The ghostly but violent shapes that could be seen moving within the thick pall of smoke seemed to be performing a series of bizarre parodies of batting strokes, the difference being that every ball they struck with their bats exploded wherever it landed. The very first one of these had dispelled Arthurs initial reaction, that the whole thing might just be a publicity stunt by Australian margarine manufacturers.
And then, as suddenly as it had all started, it was over. The eleven white robots ascended through the seething cloud in a tight formation, and with a few last flashes of flame entered the bowels of their hovering white ship, which, with the noise of a hundred thousand people sayingfoop”, promptly vanished into the thin air out of which it had wopped.
For a moment there was a terrible stunned silence, and then out of the drifting smoke emerged the pale figure of Slartibartfast looking even more like Moses because in spite of the continued absence of the mountain he was at least now striding across a fiery and smoking well-mown lawn.
He stared wildly about him until he saw the hurrying figures of Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect forcing their way through the frightened crowd which was for the moment busy stampeding in the opposite direction. The crowd was clearly thinking to itself about what an unusual day this was turning out to be, and not really knowing which way, if any, to turn.
Slartibartfast was gesturing urgently at Ford and Arthur and shouting at them, as the three of them gradually converged on his ship, still parked behind the sight-screens and still apparently unnoticed by the crowd stampeding past it who presumably had enough of their own problems to cope with at that time.
Theyve garble warble farble! shouted Slartibartfast in his thin tremulous voice.
What did he say? panted Ford as he elbowed his way onwards.
Arthur shook his head.
Theyve…” something or other, he said.
Theyve table warble farble! shouted Slartibartfast again.
Ford and Arthur shook their heads at each other.
It sounds urgent, said Arthur. He stopped and shouted.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

bizarre [bi'zɑ:]


adj. 奇异的,怪诞的
n. 奇异花

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

dent [dent]


n. 凹痕,心理阴影,挫伤 vt. 弄凹 vi. 形成凹

promptly [prɔmptli]


adv. 敏捷地,迅速地

supernatural [.sju:pə'nætʃərəl]


adj. 超自然的,神奇的

reaction [ri'ækʃən]


n. 反应,反作用力,化学反应

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

garble ['gɑ:bl]


vt. 断章取义,曲解,混淆 n. 断章取义,混淆

lawn [lɔ:n]


n. 草地,草坪
n. 上等细麻布





