If you’re planning to have a wedding outdoors, there are many options. An outdoor wedding makes awesome photos and you can do plenty of interesting things. You can use an archway, a gazebo or some other kinds of settings to make your wedding décor better. The only downside to consider is certainly weather. But overall, this type of wedding is fantastic. 如果你打算办一场户外婚礼,也有多种形式供你选择。户外婚礼仿佛一张张精美的图片,你能够尝试许多有趣的事情。你可以试着用包括拱门、露天平台在内的任何背景布置婚礼现场。唯一要担心的莫过于天气。不过总的来说,户外婚礼还是很炫酷的。 来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/read/201410/334782.shtml