2. Grand Ole Evening | 6:30 p.m.
2. 华丽的怀旧之夜|傍晚6点半
The sexy, bourbon-centric bar on the ground floor of Husk — a luminary in the new constellation of ambitious restaurants and a sister to the original in Charleston, S.C. — is a good place to alight for a drink (cocktails start at $9) and snack to start the evening. If they’re on the menu, order the Rappahannock oysters, with green garlic butter, bottarga and preserved lemon ($14), which are served warm and will sate you through a show at the Ryman. The storied auditorium, built in 1892, before the advent of microphones, sells daytime tours, but to get the full effect of the exceptional acoustics, go at night, when a full range of musicians, as disparate as the local hero Vince Gill and the English misanthrope Morrissey, have taken the stage. (Ticket prices vary.)
性感的波旁王朝主题酒吧哈斯克(Husk)位于哈斯克饭店一层。该饭店是雄心勃勃的新餐厅群落中一座夺目的建筑,也是南卡罗莱纳州查尔斯顿酒店哈斯克饭店的姐妹店。在这个好地方适合喝杯酒(鸡尾酒9美元起),吃点零食,开始一个美好的夜晚。拿来菜单,点一份拉帕汉诺克牡蛎,配上绿色的蒜泥奶酪、腌金枪鱼卵和腌柠檬(14美元),上桌时依然热气腾腾,你可以一边大快朵颐,一边在莱曼礼堂看完整场表演。这座多层的礼堂建造于1892年,当时麦克风还没问世。虽然有白日游项目,但若想感受更绝妙的音效,最好乘夜游览。晚上有许多音乐家上台表演,风格各异,比如本地精英文斯·吉尔(Vince Gill)和英国的厌世家莫里西(Morrissey)。(不同的演出票价差异很大。)