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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“I think we make them happy,” said Ford.“我想我们还是让他们高兴吧。”福特说
Slowly and watchfully they walked round the perimeter of the clearing. This seemed to go down very well with the natives who bowed to them very slightly and then went about their business.于是,他们缓慢而警惕地绕过这片空地。这样做似乎很好,土著们向他们微微鞠躬,然后就去忙自己的事了。
Ford and Arthur continued their journey through the wood. A few hundred yards past the clearing they suddenly came upon a small pile of fruit lying in their path – berries that looked remarkably like raspberries and blackberries, and pulpy, green skinned fruit that looked remarkably like pears.幅特和阿瑟继续在树林中穿行。过了那片空地之后大约几百码,他们突然发现一小堆水果放在他们前面的路上,浆果类,看上去很像是覆盆子和草莓,另一种柔软多汁的绿皮水果看上去则很像梨子。
So far they had steered clear of the fruit and berries they had seen, though the trees and bushed were laden with them.到目前为止,他们还没有尝过一路上所看见的任何水果和浆果,虽然树上和灌木丛中有很多。
“Look at it this way,” Ford Prefect had said, “fruit and berries on strange planets either make you live or make you die. Therefore the point at which to start toying with them is when you’re going to die if you don’t. That way you stay ahead. The secret of healthy hitch-hiking is to eat junk food.”“这件事要这样来看,”福特长官曾经说过,“陌生星球上的水果和浆果可能会使你生存下来,也可能会使你死掉。因此,只有当你如果不这么做就会饿死的时候,才能够开始食用这些东西。这就是你应当遵循的原则。搭便车漫游的健康秘诀就是,只吃快餐。”
They looked at the pile that lay in their path with suspicion. It looked so good it made them almost dizzy with hunger.他们怀疑地看着前进路上的这堆东西。它们看上去足这样可口,使得他们感到几乎要饿得发晕了。
“Look at it this way,” said Ford, “er…”“这件事要这样来看,”福特说,“嗯”
“Yes?” said Arthur.“什么?”阿瑟问。
“I’m trying to think of a way of looking at it which means we get to eat it,” said Ford.“我正在试图找到一个看待这件事的正确角度,即意味着我们应该吃掉它们的角度。”福特说。
The leaf-dappled sun gleamed on the pulp skins of the things which looked like pears. The things which looked like raspberries and strawberries were fatter and riper than any Arthur had ever seen, even in ice cream commercials.斑驳的阳光洒在那种看上去像梨子的东西的表皮上。而看上去像是覆盆了和草莓的东西,则比阿瑟以前见过的任何草莓更加肥厚、透熟,连冰激凌广告里的草莓都比不上它。
“Why don’t we eat them and think about it afterwards?” he said.“我们为什么不先吃掉他们,再来考虑这个问题呢,”阿瑟说。
“Maybe that’s what they want us to do.”“也许他们正是希望我们这么做。”
“Alright, look at it this way…”“好吧,这件事要这样来看”
“Sounds good so far.”“It’s there for us to eat. Either it’s good or it’s bad, either they want to feed us or to poison us. If it’s poisonous and we don’t eat it they’ll just attack us some other way. If we don’t eat, we lose out either way.”“到目前为止,你的话听上去还不错。”“这堆东西在那儿等着我们去吃——无论它们是好还是坏,无毒死我们。如果东西有毒而我们叉没有吃的话,他们还会采取其他办法来袭击我们。所以,就算我们不吃,我们反正无论如何还是输定了。”
“I like the way you’re thinking,” said Ford, “Now eat one.”“我喜欢你看问题的角度。”福特说,“现在,吃一个吧。”
Hesitantly, Arthur picked up one of those things that looked like pears.犹豫中,阿瑟拿起一个看上去像是梨子的东西。
“I always thought that about the Garden of Eden story,” said Ford.“我总是会想起伊甸园的故事。”福特说。
“Garden of Eden. Tree. Apple. That bit, remember?”“伊甸园。树。苹果,记得吗?”
“Yes of course I do.”“是的,我当然记得。”
“Your God person puts an apple tree in the middle of a garden and says do what you like guys, oh, but don’t eat the apple. Surprise surprise, they eat it and he leaps out from behind a bush shouting ‘Gotcha’. It wouldn’t have made any difference if they hadn’t eaten it.”“你们的那个上帝在花园中央放了一棵苹果树,然后说,干任何体喜欢干的事吧,伙计,哦,但是别吃那苹果。奇怪呀奇怪,他们吃了,而他从一堆灌术后面跳出来,大叫‘逮住你们了’。其实,就算他们没有吃,也会落个同样的下场。”
“Why not?”“为什么?”
“Because if you’re dealing with somebody who has the sort of mentality which likes leaving hats on the pavement with bricks under them you know perfectly well they won’t give up. They’ll get you in the end.”“因为,如果你是在和有着这种心态的家伙打交道的话,体应该很清楚地知道,他们是不会放弃的。他们最后总会逮住你的!”
“What are you talking about?”“你在说些什么啊,”
“Never mind, eat the fruit.”“没什么,吃水果吧。”
“You know, this place almost looks like the Garden of Eden.”“你知道,这个地方看起来真像伊甸园。”
“Eat the fruit.”“吃水果吧。”
“Sounds quite like it too.”“声音也像。”
Arthur took a bite from the thing which looked like a pear.阿瑟咬了一口这个看上去像是梨子的东西。
“It’s a pear,” he said.“就是梨子。”他说。
A few moments later, when they had eaten the lot, Ford Prefect turned round and called out.过了一阵之后,他们已经吃下去了很多。福特,长官转过身,朝着后面大喊。
“Thank you. Thank you very much,” he called, “you’re very kind.”“谢谢你们,太感谢你们丁。”他喊道,“你们真好。”
They went on their way.然后他们继续上路。

I think we make them happy,” said Ford.
Slowly and watchfully they walked round the perimeter of the clearing. This seemed to go down very well with the natives who bowed to them very slightly and then went about their business.
Ford and Arthur continued their journey through the wood. A few hundred yards past the clearing they suddenly came upon a small pile of fruit lying in their pathberries that looked remarkably like raspberries and blackberries, and pulpy, green skinned fruit that looked remarkably like pears.
So far they had steered clear of the fruit and berries they had seen, though the trees and bushed were laden with them.
Look at it this way,” Ford Prefect had said, “fruit and berries on strange planets either make you live or make you die. Therefore the point at which to start toying with them is when youre going to die if you dont. That way you stay ahead. The secret of healthy hitch-hiking is to eat junk food.”
They looked at the pile that lay in their path with suspicion. It looked so good it made them almost dizzy with hunger.
Look at it this way,” said Ford, “er…”
Yes?” said Arthur.
Im trying to think of a way of looking at it which means we get to eat it,” said Ford.
The leaf-dappled sun gleamed on the pulp skins of the things which looked like pears. The things which looked like raspberries and strawberries were fatter and riper than any Arthur had ever seen, even in ice cream commercials.
Why dont we eat them and think about it afterwards?” he said.
Maybe thats what they want us to do.”
Alright, look at it this way…”
Sounds good so far.”“Its there for us to eat. Either its good or its bad, either they want to feed us or to poison us. If its poisonous and we dont eat it theyll just attack us some other way. If we dont eat, we lose out either way.”
I like the way youre thinking,” said Ford, “Now eat one.”
Hesitantly, Arthur picked up one of those things that looked like pears.
I always thought that about the Garden of Eden story,” said Ford.
Garden of Eden. Tree. Apple. That bit, remember?”
Yes of course I do.”
Your God person puts an apple tree in the middle of a garden and says do what you like guys, oh, but dont eat the apple. Surprise surprise, they eat it and he leaps out from behind a bush shoutingGotcha’. It wouldnt have made any difference if they hadnt eaten it.”
Why not?”
Because if youre dealing with somebody who has the sort of mentality which likes leaving hats on the pavement with bricks under them you know perfectly well they wont give up. Theyll get you in the end.”
What are you talking about?”
Never mind, eat the fruit.”
You know, this place almost looks like the Garden of Eden.”
Eat the fruit.”
Sounds quite like it too.”
Arthur took a bite from the thing which looked like a pear.
Its a pear,” he said.
A few moments later, when they had eaten the lot, Ford Prefect turned round and called out.
Thank you. Thank you very much,” he called, “youre very kind.”
They went on their way.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
poisonous ['pɔizənəs]


adj. 有毒的,恶意的

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

junk [dʒʌŋk]


n. 垃圾,废旧杂物,中国平底帆船
vt. 丢

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

pulp [pʌlp]


n. 果肉,纸浆,木髓,牙髓,低级刊物 vt. 使成为浆

suspicion [səs'piʃən]


n. 猜疑,怀疑

poison ['pɔizn]


n. 毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害
vt. 毒害,

perimeter [pə'rimitə]


n. 周长,周界,边缘





