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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
A short while later he was running across the plain in the direction of the ruined city.过了--会儿,他穿过平原,朝着城市废墟的方向跑去。
The dank air wheezed heavily in his lungs and he frequently stumbled with the exhaustion he was still feeling. Night was beginning to fall too, and the rough ground was treacherous.阴冷潮湿的空气涌进他的肺里,使他感到有些呼吸困难,仍然纠缠着他衰竭的精力使他步履踉跄。夜晚开始降l临,粗糙的大地上显得危机四伏。
The elation of his recent experience was still with him though. The whole Universe. He had seen the whole Universe stretching to infinity around him – everything. And with it had come the clear and extraordinary knowledge that he was the most important thing in it. Having a conceited ego is one thing. Actually being told by a machine is another.不过,刚才那些经历所带来的兴奋之情也在伴随着他。整个宇宙!他看到了整个宇宙在他四周伸展开去,直至无限——所有的一切。伴随着这一切而来的,足一个清晰的、非同凡响的信息:他就是宇宙万物中最重要的凶索:有这样自负的自我意识是一回事;确切地被一台机器告知这一点,则完全是另外一回事了,
He didn’t have time to reflect on this matter.他没有时间来细想这件事。
Gargravarr had told him that he would have to alert his masters as to what had happened, but that he was prepared to leave a decent interval before doing so. Enough time for Zaphod to make a break and find somewhere to hide.伽古拉瓦已经说过,他必须向自己的主子们汇报刚才发生的情况,不过在此之前,他准备留出一段刚好合适的间隔,使赞福德有足够的时问休整一下,找个地方藏起来。
What he was going to do he didn’t know, but feeling that he was the most important person in the Universe gave him the confidence to believe that something would turn up.他不缸道自己接下来要做什么,但感到自己是宇宙中最重要的人。这给了他某种自信,相信会有什么事情发生、
Nothing else on this blighted planet could give him much grounds for optimism.除此之外,这颗荒芜的星球上没有什么东西能向他提供乐观起来的依据。
He ran on, and soon reached the outskirts of the abandoned city.他继续奔跑着,不久就到达了那座废弃城市的郊区。
He walked along cracked and gaping roads riddled with scrawny weeds, the holes filled with rotting shoes. The buildings he passed were so crumbled and decrepit he thought it unsafe to enter any of them. Where could he hide? He hurried on.他走在破碎开裂的马路上。这里到处生长着孱弱的野草,裂开的窟窿里填满丁腐烂的鞋子。沿途所经过的建筑物通通朽得崩塌了下来,于是他认定:钻进其中任何一栋都是不安全的。他能躲在哪儿呢?他只得继续前进。
After a while the remains of a wide sweeping road led off from the one down which he was walking, and at its end lay a vast low building, surrounded with sundry smaller ones, the whole surrounded by the remains of a perimeter barrier. The large main building still seemed reasonably solid, and Zaphod turned off to see if it might provide him with… well with anything.冉往前一点儿,一条宽阔马路的废墟从他正走着的这条马路边上延伸开去,路的尽头立着一栋巨大但低矮的建筑物,周嘲则是各式各样的小房子,它们整个叉被一圈栅栏的废墟嗣了起柬。那栋巨大的主建筑看上去还算坚固,于是赞福德向它走过去,想看看它能否为自己提供…嗯,一点儿什么帮助=
He approached the building. Along one side of it – the front it would seem since it faced a wide concreted apron area – were three gigantic doors, maybe sixty feet high. The far one of these was open, and towards this, Zaphod ran.他接近了这栋建筑。它的一侧——看上去像是正面,因为外面是一片宽阔的混凝土坪--并列着一扇巨大的门,可能足有六十英尺高。远端的那扇开着,所以赞福德朝它跑过去,
Inside, all was gloom, dust and confusion. Giant cobwebs lay over everything. Part of the infrastructure of the building had collapsed, part of the rear wall had caved in, and a thick choking dust lay inches over the floor.屋内光线昏暗,布满灰尘,一片混乱。巨大的蜘蛛网遍布每一个角落,一部分地基已经坍塌,部分后墙陷了进去,地板上积了一层几英寸厚的灰尘。
Through the heavy gloom huge shapes loomed, covered with debris.透过浓厚的昏暗,一些巨大的黑影若隐若现。
The shapes were sometimes cylindrical, sometimes bulbous, sometimes like eggs, or rather cracked eggs. Most of them were split open or falling apart, some were mere skeletons.这些黑影有的呈圆柱形,有的呈球茎状,有的像鸡蛋,或者更准确地说,像打碎的鸡蛋。它们中的大部分已经开裂或者崩坏了,有的甚至只剩下骨架。
They were all spacecraft, all derelict.它们都是空间飞行器,都被遗弃了。

A short while later he was running across the plain in the direction of the ruined city.
The dank air wheezed heavily in his lungs and he frequently stumbled with the exhaustion he was still feeling. Night was beginning to fall too, and the rough ground was treacherous.
The elation of his recent experience was still with him though. The whole Universe. He had seen the whole Universe stretching to infinity around himeverything. And with it had come the clear and extraordinary knowledge that he was the most important thing in it. Having a conceited ego is one thing. Actually being told by a machine is another.
He didnt have time to reflect on this matter.
Gargravarr had told him that he would have to alert his masters as to what had happened, but that he was prepared to leave a decent interval before doing so. Enough time for Zaphod to make a break and find somewhere to hide.
What he was going to do he didnt know, but feeling that he was the most important person in the Universe gave him the confidence to believe that something would turn up.
Nothing else on this blighted planet could give him much grounds for optimism.
He ran on, and soon reached the outskirts of the abandoned city.
He walked along cracked and gaping roads riddled with scrawny weeds, the holes filled with rotting shoes. The buildings he passed were so crumbled and decrepit he thought it unsafe to enter any of them. Where could he hide? He hurried on.
After a while the remains of a wide sweeping road led off from the one down which he was walking, and at its end lay a vast low building, surrounded with sundry smaller ones, the whole surrounded by the remains of a perimeter barrier. The large main building still seemed reasonably solid, and Zaphod turned off to see if it might provide him withwell with anything.
He approached the building. Along one side of itthe front it would seem since it faced a wide concreted apron areawere three gigantic doors, maybe sixty feet high. The far one of these was open, and towards this, Zaphod ran.
Inside, all was gloom, dust and confusion. Giant cobwebs lay over everything. Part of the infrastructure of the building had collapsed, part of the rear wall had caved in, and a thick choking dust lay inches over the floor.
Through the heavy gloom huge shapes loomed, covered with debris.
The shapes were sometimes cylindrical, sometimes bulbous, sometimes like eggs, or rather cracked eggs. Most of them were split open or falling apart, some were mere skeletons.
They were all spacecraft, all derelict.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
spacecraft ['speiskrɑ:ft]


n. 宇宙飞船

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

derelict ['derilikt]


adj. 抛弃的,玩忽职守的 n. 被遗弃的人或物,玩忽

confusion [kən'fju:ʒən]


n. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态

optimism ['ɔptimizəm]


n. 乐观,乐观主义

treacherous ['tretʃərəs]


adj. 背信弃义的,叛逆的,不可靠的,危险的

infinity [in'finiti]


n. (时间,空间等)无限,无穷,[数]无穷大

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

conceited [kən'si:tid]


adj. 自负的,幻想的





