Starting weeks before Christmas, Robert Ravens had to ration sales of teddy bears to people visiting his lavender farm in this remote corner of Australia to one per customer. Demand was so fierce that as soon as each furry purple Bobbie Bear shell was stuffed with a mixture of lavender and wheat, it was rushed straight to the gift store.
从 诞节前好几个星期开始,由于来自己这个位于澳大利亚偏远角落的薰衣草农场购买泰迪熊的人太多,罗伯特·拉文斯 (
Robert Ravens)不得不实行每人只能购买一只的限制。由于需求太过旺盛, 被塞上薰衣草和小麦的混合物后,毛茸茸的紫色博比熊(
Bobbie Bear)就直接被送到了礼品店。

Mr. Ravens had already stopped shipping overseas and interstate. He had stopped taking Internet orders. His small staff at Bridestowe Lavender Estate couldn't keep up with demand coming almost solely from one place: China.
拉文斯已经停止了向海外和州外供货,也不再从网上接收订单,因为他在Bridestowe Lavender Estate薰衣草庄园的小团队无法维护如此大量的需求。这些需求几乎来自一个地方:中国。
'We're not aiming to dominate the world of fluffy bears. Our business is fine lavender,' said Mr. Ravens. 'But somehow we've tapped the cultural psyche of 30-year-old Chinese ladies.'
The rush on Bobbie Bears is what happens when suddenly insatiable Chinese demand meets limited supply. Mr. Ravens said the farm -- where a spacious gift shop overlooks trim rows of lavender, an hour's drive through quiet farmland from the closest airport -- has seen 'near riot' conditions since the rationing began. The annual number of visitors has nearly tripled in six years to 60,000 in 2013.
Wealthy Chinese have bid up the price of investment assets in recent years from property in Vancouver to French Bordeaux and modern art. As prosperity in China spreads, Chinese are doing the same with consumer goods.
Voracious demand from Chinese tourists for luxury goods to give as gifts or to sell at a markup back home often threatens to clear the shelves of major brands in France. Gucci stores in Paris sometimes limit the number of bags customers can buy per passport to ensure supply.
Karicare, a brand of milk powder made from New Zealand goats' milk that sells in Australia and New Zealand, has quadrupled production to 20,000 tons over the last three years to meet demand from Chinese consumers, some of whom are reselling online in China. Even that might not be enough.
The company, a unit of Group Danone, says on its website that due to 'unprecedented demand' it cannot find enough high quality goats milk.
隶属达能集团(Group Danone)的Karicare在公司网站上宣布,由于“前所未有的旺盛需求”,公司无法找到足够的高品质羊奶。
The craze for Bobbie the teddy bear has come with all the attendant effects of a China boom.
Bridestowe sells Bobbie for about $48.50 or about 300 yuan, up from about $23 five years ago, after raising the price five times. In China, online retailers currently sell them for about 400 yuan, up from 300 only a few months ago. But, Mr. Ravens said, many are knockoffs; his authorized distributor estimates 100,000 fakes have been sold online. Three online retailers reached in China all said they were selling authentic Bobbie Bears.
The price of lavender in Australia is also rising, selling for $55 to $90 per kilogram, up from less than $40 a year ago, according to Jean Sargeant, president of the Australian Lavender Growers Association.
澳大利亚薰衣草种植者协会(Australian Lavender Growers Association)会长让·萨金特(Jean Sargeant)表示,澳大利亚薰衣草的价格也在上涨,每公斤售价在55到90美元之间,一年前还不到40美元。
'I've had three lots of Chinese here over the picking season,' said Ms. Sargeant. 'One guy said 'I'll buy the entire crop.' '
萨金特说:“采摘季的时候这里有相当于三块薰衣草田面积的中国人。有一个人说‘ 我全都包了’。”
Bobbie Bears have tapped into Chinese consumers' desire for peace of mind after recurring food and product safety scandals at home.
'Anything natural from somewhere with blue skies and clean air and water is dreamy for Chinese consumers,' said Chen Huan, a 28-year-old who works for a public-relations firm in Shanghai. She bought four bears -- three as gifts -- from a friend.
供职于上海一家公关公司、现年28岁的Chen Huan说:“从蓝天到干 的空气和水,任何自然的东西对中国消费者来说都是梦寐以求的。”她从朋友那里买了四个博比熊,其中三个是礼物。
The outside of the bear itself is made in southern China. What consumers want is stuffing: lavender grown in Tasmania, without pesticides or herbicides, and locally-grown wheat, which warms up when microwaved so that the bear also works as a heat pack.
Mr. Ravens, who used to be chief executive of a chemicals company, and his wife Jennifer bought the 92-year-old farm in 2007 as a retirement project. They started making teddy bears as a way to use the shed-loads of dried lavender that came with the farm. Soon they developed the idea of selling the bears to market the farm for tourism. Seeing the bear was popular among Chinese tourists to the farm, they got a store near Chinatown in Sydney to stock them. Two years ago they started marketing them in Hong Kong with the help of a celebrity chef from there.
Demand in mainland China took off in July. A 26-year-old Chinese celebrity famous for dating a Hong Kong television personality -- and whose ex-boyfriend is a distributor of Bobbie in China -- posted a photo of herself with the bear on social media. 'The ideal bedtime companion for a cold Shanghai night,' Zhang Xinyu told her 8.7 million followers on Weibo, a microblogging site.
Bridestowe stuffed 30,000 bears last year -- up from 3,500 in 2011 and 7,500 in 2012 -- and expects to double production this year, using a full ton of lavender for stuffing, rather than for aromatic oils, its traditional use.
Nancy Li, a tour guide from the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, led a group of middle-aged Chinese men around Tasmania in late January. She said that she intended to buy 60 bears for family and friends from Bridestowe, but decided not to visit when she heard she could only buy one.
深圳导游Nancy Li今年1月带领一个中国中年男性的旅游团去塔斯马尼亚附近旅游。她说她原打算到Bridestowe买60个熊送亲戚朋友,但听说只能买一个后就决定不去了。
Mr. Ravens said people regularly try to get around the bear-buying restriction. Some people hire students to enter and leave the Bridestowe farm multiple times a day, repeatedly buying an admission ticket of about $14 that entitles them to the right to buy a bear, he said. Some tour guides will buy the admission tickets but then not hand them over to the group, instead hoarding the bears for themselves, he said.
While at the farm, a middle-aged Chinese academic approached this reporter to try to buy an additional bear.
Mr. Ravens said people often get angry when they learn they can only buy one bear. 'The staff are always on edge. Tempers get frayed,' he said. 'Our staff don't cope so well' with the animosity.
With this year's lavender crop now in, Mr. Ravens has resumed selling the bears wholesale again to some stores. He is also fighting back against the counterfeiters, with each Bobbie coming with an identification tag that buyers can verify on line.
As far as Mr. Ravens is concerned, one sniff is enough to determine authenticity. 'The Bridestowe lavender is a global classic. It's unmatched. It's rich and deep,' he said. 'You can tell a fake from the smell.'