She's been complaining on Twitter about suffering from a cold and Lady Gaga was taking no chances as she braved the chill in New York on Wednesday.
雷人教母Lady Gaga 日前在她的推特上抱怨自己饱受感冒的折磨,为了御寒,Lady Gaga全副武装走上纽约街头。看来她有了这整套装备,就再也不怕寒冷了。
The mother monster - who will turn 28 in two days - wore a thick oversized polo neck sweater as she emerged from her apartment and black trousers with boots.
Lady Gaga 走出纽约公寓时,身着一件超大号黑色高领厚毛衣,黑色宽松裤子和黑色亮面尖头皮靴。

While it's not surprising she chose a pair of gloves, Gaga's huge green furry mitts were typically of the star's eccentric style and ensured she stood out from the crowd while staying warm.
While there was no sign of her boyfriend, actor Taylor Kinney, 32, things are going strong between the pair.
The Alejandro hitmaker recently admitted she is the submissive one in their relationship, something which surprised those who know the star as a strong female role-model.
最近Lady Gaga向外界透露,她在这段关系中是顺从的一方,这着实让很多认为Gaga在恋爱关系中会是强势女强人的人大跌眼镜。
'He is totally in charge. I mean when I am home I am like, shoes are off, I'm making him dinner,' she told. 'He has a job too and he is really busy!'
“完全就是他做主。我是说回到家里,我一般脱掉鞋子为他做晚饭。他今天也有工作而且非常忙。”(Gaga近期在Sirius XM晨间秀中分享了她和男友泰勒之间的趣事。)
Gaga continued: 'I'm in charge all day long. The last thing I wanna do is tell him what to do.
Gaga 还补充道:“我整天都很忙,我最不想做的事就是告诉他他该怎么做。”
Recently, Akon claimed his record label cut ties with Gaga because her career is on the decline.
Lady Gaga事业却起色不大。阿肯声称他的唱片公司已经减少了与
Lady Gaga有关的活动,因为她的事业已经开始走下坡路了。