You Should Be Getting Your Butt Kicked – Meryl Streep in “The Devil Wears Prada” would be the most valuable boss you could possibly have. This is the most impressionable, malleable and formative stage of your professional career. Working for someone that demands excellence and pushes your limits every day will build the most solid foundation for your ongoing professional success.你应该被不断督促——梅丽尔-斯特里普在电影《穿普拉达的女王》中扮演的角色,堪称你可能碰到的最有价值的老板。这是你的职业生涯中最易受影响,最具可塑性,最易定型的时期。有一位要求员工精益求精,每天都在推动你超越自我的老板,将为你在专业领域的持续成功打下最坚实的基础。